
Would you rather swim in a tank full of sharks or eat elephant poo? ( just for fun) =]]]?

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Would you rather swim in a tank full of sharks or eat elephant poo? ( just for fun) =]]]?




  1. neither one sounds like fun. ridiculous comes to mind.  people swim with sharks all the time, though.

  2. I'd rather swim with the sharks.. they don't smell, and if you don't bother them they won't bother you.. as long as you're vertical in the water..

  3. Depends on the sharks.  I definitely wouldn't go in a tank with Great White, Hammerhead or Zambezi Sharks.  On the other hand, I'd have no problems with Nurse Sharks or Dogfish.

    As far as eating elephant dung, well it probably won't do you much harm, it just depends on the strength of your gag reflex.  Like most herbivores, the droppings are just partially digested plant fibres.  I've eaten Marula nuts which have passed through an eli - very tasty.  The nuts are encased in a stone which is almost impossible to break open until it's been through at least once!

  4. I'd rather swim in a tank full of sharks because that's something you can brag about later. Bragging about eating poo is just sad. Sharks have a bad reputation but they're really not as bad as everyone thinks. If people knew more about them, they wouldn't be so afraid.

  5. Swim in a tank full of sharks, because I found out you're using Nurse Sharks =)

    Plus, as long as I don't bother the sharks, they most likely won't bite me

    And, like someone else said, you can brag about it later

    Eating elephant poo is just disgusting, smelly, and degrading

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