
Would you rather-to live the rest of your life only smelling onions or smelly socks?

by Guest21382  |  earlier

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  1. thats a tough one. if i have to smell my own socks that would be barable but no one elses. sorry. i would choose onions

  2. Wow I would say onions. I mean some peoples socks smell clean, but other  yuck! I say onions!

  3. Impossible, because eventually you will not be able to smell them anymore, even though the scents themselves are still there.

  4. at least onions are food. Socks would make me feel sick all the time.

  5. Neither, but if worst came to worse--onions.

  6. Onions.  I love to eat onions.

  7. Onions! I'm rather fond on onions.=)

  8. Onions, they smell so good when cooking, I would not know how smelly socks smell cooking!

  9. Onions

  10. I would rather smell your lovely socks babe!! lol

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