
Would you rather- walk in on your parents or your parents walk in on you?

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  1. I would rather walk in on my parents.

  2. I'd rather walk in on them but it would be funny if they walked in on me... I would like to see what they would say

  3. Parents walk in on me-

    few reasons-

    #1 - that means I am doing something worth mentioning in the abstract like this.

    #2 - nobody ever should see there parents doing something worth mentioning in the abstract like this.

    if however your talking about something more benign like (eating pizza, playing chess, etc) it doesn't really matter.

    example #1

    Would you rather- walk in on your parents playing chess, or your parents walk in on you playing chess?

  4. Walk in on my parents for sure!

  5. uh neither!

    walking in on parents --- nasty!

    them walking in on me -- embarrassing!

  6. If they walked in on me I'd be terrified not because I got caught. I mean I am 49 after all. I would be terrified because they are both dead....and that would be just too freaky.

    Thinking about it, it would be just as freaky to walk in on 2 dead people doing it too.


  7. Parents for sure.  I do not want them to see their "little girl" doing it.  Even though I have a son.  Gross if they saw me.

  8. Neither

  9. good question haha

    but i'd definately rather walk in on them less troublesome

  10. definetly walk in on my parents... if they walked in on me theyd kill me and my bf! no thank u

  11. Walk in on my parents.

    It would be embarrassing either way, but atleast you wouldn't get in trouble afterwards if they walked in on you.

  12. Wow, tough question.

    anyways, i would say neither

    i say neither because i wouldn't want to get in trouble when walked in on and i also wouldnt want to keep the picture of them doing it in my head.

  13. I would rather walk in on my parents because it just seems a little more ethical, and not embarrassing. ♥

  14. walk in on parents because i wouldnt want them to feel embarresed about walking in on me  but neither one really

  15. Well

    I have had my mother walk in on me about caught in the act..I was like 16.

    I have never caught my parents...but mom was single most of my life..sadly I have heard her and my step dad tho...

  16. omg!

    neither, but i have walked in on my parents, NASTY

    i would NEVER want them walking in on me, i would dieeeee.

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