
Would you rather watch the cooks and chefs make your food or not?

by  |  earlier

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If you could walk in front of the grill and the cook area and were able to watch the chefs make your dinner, would that make your night a little more intersesting? or just keep it behind doors?




  1. I like working in an open kitchen, it's neat to have an audience, though it's frustrating that I can't swear or talk **** with the other cooks like I could in a closed kitchen. It's great to see people come up and actually take an interest in what they're eating, it shows that they're here for the experience, and not just to get fed.

  2. yes i would, so i can see wat goes in my food!

  3. Actually, I'd rather not watch.  It would ruin our whole date by my standing there criticizing under my breath.  And everyone who's worked the line swears and gets frustrated.  I'd rather have them let it out behind closed doors than bottle frustrations up.  As long as the food comes out good, that's all I care about.

  4. it depends, I like to cook in private alot, but its nice to see what they are doing to the food your putting in your body.

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