
Would you rather work at McDonalds or at a Restaurant ?

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Seems working at McDonalds is such mindlessly easy task undeserving of a thank you or even a small tip, yet, according to most servers McDonalds employees earn more money.

So why don't all those pretty young things waiting tables work at McDonalds if it is such a good deal compared to serving.

Or is McDonalds,like the rest of the service industry adverse to hiring pretty young women under the age of 25 <sarcasm off>.

Seriously, we tip a bartender for opening a bottle, and a waiter for dropping off a bowl of chips, but the hard working down trodden fast food workers aren't worth even 50 cents or a dollar for any of their troubles ?




  1. Let me tell you, working for McDonalds isn&#039;t easy! You are expected to go 100 miles per minute. If you aren&#039;t cooking fries, you are taking orders, wiping down counters, mopping floors, wiping down tables, wiping down trays, refilling condiments, filling orders, emptying trash, PLUS anything else the management comes up with!

    On top of that, you have to deal with ANGRY customers who THINK you could possibly remember what their order was to begin with after you have served another TWENTY customers after.

    So there&#039;s the answer. Why do persons PREFER to work serving tables?

  2. I would rather work at a restaurante because the food is freshier and healthier than a take away food chain.

  3. Eww why would you want to work at a fast food place everyday? It smells all nasty like greasy foods and you&#039;d stink like burgers all day. blehhhh. fast food is;s just not natural

  4. I would work for McDonald&#039;s part-time, if I HAD to work.  My McDonald&#039;s hires older women and I feel that I could make a difference by providing friendly, excellent service.    I would be a good role-model for the younger people who seem to lack basic good customer service skills.

  5. i would work nowhere... ! if i had a choice between these two options then surely Mcdonalds .... trustworthy safe and of course ones earns more money !

  6. Sour grapes! Sour grapes on you! McDonald&#039;s restaurants and similar fast food establishments are not places where patrons should tip. Do you tip the buggy whip maker? Do you tip the poodle washer? Do you tip your science teacher? Face facts - get a life. Vote for Hillary, she will set you right! Vote for Hillary now and get a job at Subway! You won&#039;t get tipped there either! Face facts Sour grapes!

  7. I&#039;m a career Chef...what do you think?

  8. Its because their service is standardised, rather than personalised.

    Its also because pretty macD servers are rarer than rocking horse sh*t!

  9. i&#039;ll rather NOT work at both

  10. of course restaurant atleast you can get some tips.

  11. i work at mcdonalds and im attractive (i make the hat look good)

    and yes we do get treated like c**p sometimes, but not always, if u respect a customer they will you and u should never mess with the people who make ur food. remember that.

    i make good money, no complaints. i have worked in a restaurant and hated it. awful work in my experience. mcdonalds is easy, fun and a great way to gain experience and management skills.

    close minded people who think that its all fun and games or we are all uneducated, well thats c**p. i am a junior manager and working to become a cop someday ultimately i want to be a detective and i work with an accountant, doctor and pharmacist all in training just to name a few.

    so remember the next time u order big mac that the person taking your order just might be smarter than you.

    im happy to work here. :)

  12. retuarant!

    wayy more fancier and I feel like I am giving some customer service. But Mcdonald&#039;s is mostly filled with rude, unproffessional people that just throws food at you and say &quot;next!&quot;compared to like not even a fancy restaurant like T.G.I.F. where the waitress/waiter comes and greets you&lt; &quot;how is everybody doing today.. My name is *** and I&#039;m going to be serving you today. Can i start you guys off with something to drink while you take a look at the menu?&quot; with a gentle smile. THat&#039;s what brings these waitresses/waiters the TIP. you need to memorize 100 of their menu and know what is in there. Also, there is a specific way to hold the tray,,, ect.. it&#039;s alot of hard work. but mcdonald&#039;s all you do it wrap up food, fry french fries in unhealthy trans-fat oil... ect.. this is why fast food places don&#039;t recieve tip. It&#039;s suppose to be fast.

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