
Would you rather work for a man or woman? Why?

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For the past few years, I've had a male 'boss'. At the first of the year, he changed positions, and now I have a female 'boss'. She is so laid back - and it's been pretty sweet! How about you?




  1. It doesn't matter to me. I had both and from my own work experience, men supervisors are more tougher then women. If I get along with the male supervisor, then it is ok for me.

  2. male.

    females play too many games.  a male boss will just tell you, straight out, what's up.  he might yell and scream, but it's over and he moves on.  a woman will be diplomatic, keep things inside, complain behind your back and not let go of anything.  too many games for me.

  3. I've worked with both and don't have a preference. I want someone that is intelligent and smart. I want someone that I can relate to, that can make me better.  

  4. I think I'd be more comfortable working for a woman, but as long as the person is fair and reasonable (and keeps hands off of you), it doesn't matter that much.

  5. I would say a male boss. I generally get on with men better. Not that I have anything to be jealous of, but women tend to get bitter when they're jealous of other women, and I wouldn't want to bear the brunt of that. In the workplace, I've had lots of older women jealous of me merely for my youth and I suppose they've felt threatened that I'd replace them or something - which never happened!  

  6. I've had both women and male bosses who were absolutely fantastic and on the other hand I've also had female and male bosses who were terrible!  If you have a boss that is laid back and pretty much lets you breathe and do your work consider yourself lucky!

  7. I have a female boss right now..and she is pretty laid back and is really sweet. But I prefer a male boss because you get away with a lot more. lol At my old MALE boss pretty much let me do whatever I wanted.  

  8. Female.

    I can relate to her.

  9. Doesn't matter- I've had both, and neither s*x has the lock on rotten management skills.  Consistency and fairness matter more to me than the gender of the boss.

  10. A man, hands down.  Oddly enough, most women tell me the same thing.

    You got one good one - that's not enough data to form an opinion.

  11. ive had both and I prefer working for a man, less drama.

  12. A man. I've had 2 women bosses so far. The first one was the owner of the company and her bus partner was a man. She (owner) was a total witch but was sweet as pie during the interview. She would be nice to your face and stab you in the back to your coworkers. Every chance she got she was bad mouthing me her bus. partner or the other girls in the office. Her bus partner...I have no idea how he handled her. He was professional yet laid back and she's high strung. I tried to work for him most of the time because he was doing more to further my career, hoping that I would become a "star" interior designer. That didn't happen. After 2 years of those two...the owner and her partner literally fighting over me he finally had to lay me off due to "lack of education". But in the end she won out because she lied to unemployment so I couldn't collect.

    Woman boss #2 wasn't nearly that bad but she was a major brown noser to the company president. Company president is a male of Italian ancestry. She was always going on about how she went to college in Italy and studied art history in Italy in front of him. If it wasn't that she would act like a total nutcase so she would seem "unique and quirky". She did this by picking up a dead snake off the road and posed with it to make what she hoped would be a funny pic. I thought it was gross but whatever floats her boat. Anywho, the time finally came when the company prez decided the drafting dept should be only 2 people, not 3. Guess who got the boot? Me. I thought it was a stupid move because I had the highest dollar value project and was clearly more knowledgeable about my job and the software than she was.  

  13. My female bosses tended to do a lot of micro-managing contrary to my male bosses. Today I am a boss and I make sure I do not micro-manage but also not too laid back as well. The owner of this company is very demanding so if people under me don't deliver 'I' get the heat.  

  14. There are very very few women who ar sweet and laid back; virtually all of the ones I worked for were all dreadful, and the worst atmosphere I ever worked in was at an ofc that was all women. I was bullied harassed and verbally abused and quit after 7 months of the worst torture Ihavee ever had in any workplace in the forty plus years I've been working. I will never work for a woman again or work in an all female ofc.

    EDIT: Thank you, yes, I now work for a company that has men and women, MUCH better atmosphere!

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