
Would you read, let alone pay £10 for a book written by a man accused of fraud, incompentence and even torture

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The Portuguese ex detective Mr. Amaral is awaiting trial accused of these crimes and some here even want to pay a tenner to read his rubbish. Look what he did to another mother of a missing child.




  1. Well said Pepper!!!!!

  2. One of the most revered celebrities we know today is Nelson Mandela.

    How many really know this person?

    Most young people acknowledge him as a hero.

    The truth is Mandela was the head of the most ruthless ,murderous terrorist gang of South Africa.He was free to leave prison at any time so long as he did not continue to encourage terrorist activities.Obviously,he stayed in prison so that the violence could continue.Great man?

    The truth again,Mandela is simply a beneficiary of a massive political shift to the left.

    The ultimate insult is the statue of Mandela, commissioned by Red Ken that stands mocking a real hero ,Winston Churchill from across Parliament Square.

  3. It would be worth buying the book just to create a widely-distributed online pirated version to destroy his potential profits.

    edit - There goes Private again (regularly hiding under pseudonyms) - ignorant mouthpiece of the Neo-n***s.

    The ANC was originally an organisation of non-violence protesters, but under a regime like that of SA - n**i-like arrests, torture, murder - what should they have done, waited to be exterminated?

    You can keep spreading your diseased lies on here, but I will be there to put the truth in its place.

  4. Michael, I believe it was you who kept repeating,

    'Innocent until proven guilty.'  Does that only apply to your favorite people?  At a certain point in time, adults are supposed to be able to let go of their prejudices and look at the world with an open and unbiased mind.  The detective, whatever you or anyone else may think of him, was investigating the crime.  He is in possession of more information than any of the armchair detectives sitting at home banging on their computers.   Let's listen to find out what he has to say.  We might actually learn something if we stop being so narrow-minded.

    Edit:I'm simply pointing out your double standard.

    That you would dismiss all people who have expressed doubt about the innocence of the parties involved in the Madeleine case seems to display a prejudice.  If at least you would acknowledge that there are too many unanswered questions about the case, and too much spin, and too many bigwigs involved and too much money flowing, then perhaps people may perceive you as balanced. in your viewpoint.  But all you have said about this case makes many suspicious that perhaps you have some special interest in the case.  

    It is further extremely disturbing the amount of negative press the Portuguese police have received despite the fact that the taxpayers of Portugal have paid for this investigation.  Some of the criticism borders on racism.  Some of the comments seem to suggest that the Portuguese are inferior to the British.  That is unacceptable.  It must be remembered that the British government has done much to pervert the course of justice by not properly cooperating with the Portuguese police and even going so far as to treat them with  contempt.

  5. Is G W Bush writing his autobiography??

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