
Would you read a book about a 21 yr old guy that was in a car accident

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its his 20th birthday and he was going out to pick up his girlfriend and he was in a car accident... a bad one... he broke his back and neck. but he was in a coma and woke up the day before his 21st birthday with no memory of ANYTHING!! his back healed while he was in the coma but his neck never healed right... he's pretty much in a halo brace for the rest of his life... and the book is about his girlfriend trying to get him out into the world

would u read it...

also tell me your age and gender




  1. im a 13 year old male, and i think it sounds very interesting. i would DEFFINATLY read it, because im into all that car crash and health problem stuff. is it a book allreaddy out? or are you going too write it and try get it published? if u are writing it good luck, and i hope you can come too Australia so i can get my book autograpphed :P

  2. Sounds good


  3. female


    i kno im young but im pretty mature for my age and i love reading

  4. I am a 17 year old girl, and I think it sounds interesting, but kind of.. predictable and trite. There are so many books about comas/amnesia. Sounds remotely like a Danielle Steel book.

    But thats just me. Good luck with your book! :]

  5. Yes I would be up to read it. It sounds prettty good!

    What is the name of it and where could I get it from?


  6. yes, i would, it sounds interesting, im a girl and im 17

  7. 14 male, yes, sounds like a good one!!!!!!

    are you writing it? Man, I want to read it NOW :D

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