
Would you read/purchase a book showcasing homeless lives and pictures?

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I am located in California and have come to the conclusion there is not much help for single elderly homeless men in my area. So I would love to write a book educating America on them, and put 100% of the proceeds into a shelter for men, and back into the homeless community. What would you like to see in this book? What are you curious about? If you could know one thing about the homeless, what would it be? I have made many homeless friends, and we can all make a difference in their lives. One is in recovery right now, and he is going to help me write this book.

This has nothing to do with the book, but I was thinking because he is in recovery now, I should go stand on his corner and have passer byers that used to give him money sign a card of encouragement for him, he has been on the same corner for 15 years. So alot of the community knows him. That would be special.




  1. No interest.  Having lived in NYC for over 30 years, I have seen it all.  There are plenty of organizations, such as the Salvation Army, that put a lot of time, money and manpower in attempting to help the homeless.  It is very difficult to improve someones life unless they are a willing participant.

  2. Get started with a picture of your friend in recovery if you can== take pictures of the card, the signatures, the corner, the street sign people signing the card== Now that could be your cover== a black and white empty park bench for the first page of your book=== a couple of newspaper pages placed neatly on top as if a blanket==OK that was two ideas with two pages, now on the 3rd page is "the dedication to your friend" And that my friend gives you a lot of pictures to take= Maybe do all of them in black and white shots except the cover= people might look at the homeless in a different light= we see um in color everyday==put the color in pictures on the cover== Make sure you have a showing of your pictures at a gallery, the media would love it, and i think it has "best seller" written all over it== a black and white picture is worth 2,000 words== but tell a little story along the way with black and white photos and the words they say===

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