
Would you really consider this as AIDS?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is a rather stupid and a touchy question to ask, plus i'm highly hypochondriac, that's why i'm asking this one.

In short, details are:

-Itch behind the knees (I got sunburned there 5 days ago; at first it was a burning pain, but then it started to itch a little bit, not much)

-Constant catarrh/phlegm (is this a flu symptom? One month ago I had 50% of the symptoms for sinus infection / cold / )

-Coated tongue (Is it candida?)

-Constipation (The stools aren't hard at all, and my trouble isn't getting them out, it's more like getting them out often. Once a day is enough?)

-Feeling hot (Summer+sunburns?)

Good things:

-No palpable swollen lymph nodes

-No fever at all

-I don't have any feeling of sickness, malaise or fatigue.

-No muscle pains/aches

About me:

-14-years old (ridiculous question right ?)

-NEVER had sexual intercourse

-NEVER shared needles, or fluids

-Blood tested 4 years ago, and everything was fine.

-Done a mouth surgery 4 years ago.

Plus that surgery I made was to remove an abcess I had on my gum, that made me have tooth aches every month. I didn't need to take any antibiotics

Does the lack of oral hygiene cause a white coating on the tongue?

It's sad that I worry so much! But i'm worried with everything.




  1. Stop worrying

  2. I would almost bet you money that it's not HIV

  3. No,there is no risk of HIV.  The only 2 symptoms I see being related are the constipation and coated tongue.  Sometimes the tongue becomes coated when there are problems with the digestive system, such as constipation.  I really think 1 BM a day is in the norm.  Try chewing gum for the coated tongue.  

  4. From what you had no sexual contact with someone or never shared needles or fluids....then I would say that you have not contracted HIV or AIDS.

    Its okay to worry, you're young, and exposed to so much. Though in your case, I would try and talk to someone about the excessive worrying.

  5. No, I highly, highly doubt you have AIDS.  You know what though?  You need to get this hypochondria problem under control.  You do not want to spend the rest of your life worrying constantly.  You are too young to even be worrying about stuff like this.

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