
Would you reccomend 'The Time Traveler's Wife' for a male?

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Hi, I've heard that The Time Traveler's Wife's a great book, but from the short synopsis' that I've read, it seems to be aimed at a female audience. If anyone's read this book, I'd really appreciate you leaving an answer as to wherer or not you'd reccomend this book to a 16 year old guy.

Thanks in advance for any answers




  1. I'd definitely recommend it. I found it a little difficult to get into (couldn't figure out what on earth was going on!) but once in, I couldn't put it down. It's a weird combination of science-fiction and romance, but the relationship developing between two people over the course of a too-brief lifetime is told from both the male and female perspective, and their problems are pretty unique. It's a book I'll remember.  

  2. It depends really on your tastes and reading habits. It is a really good book; I can't say what would make it appeal to male readers but just pick it up from a friend or library. Can always put it down again if you don't like it.

    I wouldn't read it though if you are into books such as Twilight, Eragon or Harry Potter, as it's mature and not aimed at the teenage audience. Also isn't so much an adventure novel, deals more with relationships.

    Goodluck whatever your choice. Just remember that you don't have to read beyond the first page.

  3. I would recommend it, if he's a reader. I actually just recommended this book to a friend who's an english professor. She was wondering if it would hold the guys' attention in her class as well as the girls.' I think that guys can really connect with the protagonist (as he is kind of a kick-butt, lock-picking, fighting, punk rock librarian), and girls (if we want to stick to stereotypes) get to enjoy the love story.

    Just btw, I absolutely loved this book.

  4. Yeah I would. I actually just gave it to me best friend to read and he just turned eighteen two months ago, and he likes it so far.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  6. Yes, I have lent it to my boyfriend, who is 18.

    I normally HATE romance with a passion, but I found this love story very enjoyable. It doesn't take the cliché approach of "I love you but there's a reason we can't be together", it's just a tale of two people who fall in love. The time travel makes it appeal more to men, too, in my opinion. Half of the story is told from the husband's point of view, so there's a masculine aspect to the narration.

    Enjoy reading!

  7. For sure, if your at a high reading level. It's from both a male and females point of view. It's a lot different then lots of books. Personally i didn't enjoy it that much. At times things moved too slowly for me, and the whole book was in a kind of a shadow. You know? It was sad and not very happy....... But as for if it's suitable for a guy, YES.  

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