
Would you reccomend a year abroad in Italy?

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Hello. I am a 17 year old female student from New Zealand. I am pondering about going on a high school student exchange to Italy next August.

I want to go on an exchange because it will give a more global perspective of life. It will also teach me about independence ect..

I believe you can go on a holiday anytime but going on an exchange will enable me to live as a local and see all the things tourists miss. I will get the chance to immerse myself in the Italian culture as I become part of a family and school. I look forward to helping out my host family and spending time with them as we get to know each others cultures. I think walking in someone elses shoes makes you more compassionate and understanding.

I cannot decide whether to go on a 6 month exchange or a year exchange. I know I would miss my family and friends but going to Italy would be the experience of a lifetime.

For those of you who have been to Italy what do you reccomend?

Thank-you for your help!




  1. Absolutely without hesitation go,

    My daughter is in Rome studying at John Cabot  University for the semester. She is in her senior year and says it's the best cultural experience of her lifetime. Her courses are challenging and has been traveling all over Italy, just about every weekend. She phones daily so there really hasn't been any homesickness ( most of the time for recipes) She is much older, but you seem extremely mature.

    However, she is not with a host family. She is in an apartment with 4 other girls.

    My daughter loves to cook, therefore they assigned her as the designated chef.  She loves shopping at the grocerias, choosing fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and learning about the Italian foods.and culture. As a matter of fact, she has entertained other Italian students along with a professor. An amazing experience to broaden her Italian heritage.

    Best of luck!

  2. Go for it, it's very pleasant you will love Florence and the dynamic Milan.

    Learn about their tasty food & wines, their excelent fashion & arts, their kind warm people.

    Prepare your luggage now!

  3. Just as a sidenote, try to go on an exchange organized by your school.  I've heard lots of horror stories about people who arranged exchanges through private companies and were then scammed (either the exchange didn't happen or they didn't get all of the services they were promised).  Be very careful.

  4. Ponder no more.

    And just who are you trying to convince by what you wrote.

    YES-GO is my response!

    But I am me and you are you-follow your inner knowing.

  5. Go for the whole year. You have the perfect attitude for it and will find that 6-months is not long enough. You might consider travel and work through other parts of Europe at the end of your study as well. Travel gets in your blood and it is hard to imagine going back home again :-)

  6. The chance that you may be able to go to Italy again may not come for a long time once you graduate, so do what you feel you can handle.  It would be quite an experience to go for a year and I would totally jump at it, but I am just out of college and have been used to being without my family for long periods of time since at school.  Do you know the language or a little bit of it?  What's the longest you have been away from home before?  Will you have big-time culture shock?  English speaking friends? Really think about these things before you decide on 6 months or a year because you are young and a lot can change in a year.  I would say go for the full year for myself, but you should really think about it and take all details into account.

    Italy is a fabulous place, though the culture is great yet very different.  It would definitely be the experience of a lifetime.

    I wish you the best.

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