
Would you recomend acryllic nails for a 6 year old?

by  |  earlier

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My niece (who's 6 and a beauty queen) wants acryllic nails, and my sister said it's fine, but I think it's way too young. Maybe i'm just crazy! What do you think?




  1. no no no

  2. I think it's ridiculous.  A child that age can have a nice french manicure....much more appropriate.  (don't even get me started on beauty pageants for children.......)

  3. That is absurd!!!

    Kids need to wait for some things like this until the teenage years, or when they can pay for it themselves. Not to mention it is terrible for your real nails. But I think beauty pageants for kids are awful as well.

  4. WAYYY too young.... put emphasis on the fact that she is beautiful the way she is... :)

  5. I just got acrylics for the first time ever and I am 14 and I HATED them. A 6 year old would absolutely hate them especially doing little kid things. playing in the sand, coloring pictures, etc...

  6. I'll add another "NO WAY" vote.

    There seems to be a diverse age group answering this question and mainly agreeing that it is too young. You might want to show your sister these answers. Perhaps then she might give your advice more serious consideration.

    I am glad that you are concerned about your niece. She needs someone to be an advocate for her and childhood. Good going, auntie!

  7. It's a decade too young at least. Let her be a child - she doesn't need to be worrying about NAILS at six years old!

  8. i would get her a french manicure.

    because acrilics could really ruin her nails.

  9. I wouldn't do it and I'm not so sure the salon would either.  I would just get her nails painted pretty.

  10. Duh No!!!!

    and a beauty queen?

    What happens in between family and friends etc. that the child initialize or wants to happen is OK.

    Making a child a sensual attractive woman for outsiders to look at before her time is unhealthy for the child and her self development and dangerous, putting her out as a piece of meat.

    "Just say NO" to acrylic nails.

    Final answer Jon Benet Patrica Ramsey,

    i believe she was killed by a outside person not a friend or family and i believe that the Bolder Police  and prosecutor is culpable in this. This is a very sad story. Pray for the Ramsey's

    I hope this helps.

  11. does she play outside and do little girl things?? they will get in the way....not to mention they are HORRIBLE for your nails!! i understand makeup and hair....but acrylic nails??? wtf?

  12. She's a CHILD not a YOUNG LADY.

    I think you're sis needs a reality check.

  13. You are absolutely right! 6 year old is WAY TOO YOUNG! I would say 14 at the youngest! It's going to ruin her nails, and the teachers and other mothers will think your sister is crazy! Please convince her that this is not right.

  14. Way too young!

  15. WAY too young im 21 and i think 6 years old is too young i think a manicure is fine for a 6 year old. i take my 10 year old cousin to get mani/pedi when i go she loves it

  16. no they will ruin her nails

  17. no no no  she is entirely too young, those nails wreak havoc on your real nails, imagine what they would do to  a childs little thin nails. little girls dont need long nails anyway, they will hurt someone or get  hurt themselves, if they broke one of those things on their soft little fingers it would tear all the way back, and we know how bad that hurts. no way.

  18. she is way too young, but it is her moms decision.

  19. Uh yeah... that is way too young!! I didn't start getting those till I was 15.. even then my Mom thought I was too young!

  20. no, that is rediculous, have her try nailpolish with those cute nail stickers...

  21. no are you crazyyy???

    they are very bad for their nails,

    heck its bad for anyones nails

    and kids at age 6 shouldn't even know what those are anyway..

    absolutely not!

  22. Um h**l NO !!!! Tell your sister that they make press on nails specifically for little girls, I believe they are called little miss or something like that. I have an 8 year old daughter who loves doing her nails and stuff and she bought them with her own money, all it is is nails that already have the glue on them, no mess involved. I would however suggest not doing to much with them on, anything to vigorous could pop them off. They go on like a snap and they can be popped off whenever she gets sick of them. You can get them at most walmart's and drug stores..

  23. um h**l no. too young. wayyyy to young.

  24. Have you ever worn them and hit one on something? PAIN! I actually tore my real nail pretty badly by picking up a book! This is a horrid idea.

  25. Dear God no!

  26. You aren't crazy but your sister may be! Let the child be a child. Kids grow up way too fast and miss out one of the best stages of life...just being a kid.

    To me, I think trying to make a child appear older than she is and/of doing inappropriate age things for a child is a form of child abuse.

    I want to compliment you on your good sense!

  27. yes-- it's CRAZY-- get those press on nails. We used to love them!

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