
Would you recommend Acer?

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I am think of getting an acer laptop at £699.99 are they good quality.




  1. nope, i won't

    i bought acer laptop before

    some of my frenz also bought acer laptops and desktops

    and we regret buying them

    hinges crack easily, lousy mobo

    buy dell instead~!

  2. I have had an acer for two years now and I love it. I would recommend them, except that they are outclassed by lenovo a great deal, especially in the price range you listed. You could get a T400 or T500 pretty much maxed out for that much. The T series has nearly 3 times the battery life of my acer, and it has something called "turbo memory" which allows your OS and all of your favorite programs to open instantly. I mean instantly.

    Go with the best monitor if you do, its not that much more and the led backlight will save a good deal of energy.

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