
Would you recommend a Blackberry Cell phone?

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My cell-phone carrier/company is Sprint. Right now I have a regular black flip phone. Its okay... I have had it for almost 2 years now, and its slowly starting to become more and more run-down. In a few months my plan will expire and I will re-new it, and I can get a new cell-phone also... I want to get a Blackberry, all of my friends have it and most of them love it, and others don't.

I have heard that...

- You have to pay extra at the end of every month (on top of your cell bill) just because its a Blackberry

- You have to pay extra just for plain old text messaging (even more so then the annual 15$ a month for the unlimited amount, you have to pay that and then some).

- Then you have to pay extra for Blackberry messaging.

Is this true? Does Blackberry really have all these extra fee's on top of the already extra fee's I pay for text messaging and what not?

Can someone give me some detailed info about Blackberry's and there costs and fees and if you like them or not?





  1. no way its too bulky

  2. I highly recommend BlackBerry smart phones. There is an extra fee for the BlackBerry data plan, however there is not an extra fee for text messaging and the use of BlackBerry Messenger. The text messages are just part of your regular text messaging plan, and the BlackBerry Messenger messages are part of the BlackBerry data plan.

    Since you are with Sprint I would recommend one of their Simply Everything Plans. They have a Simply Everything 450, 900, and Unlimited plans that cost $70, $90 and $100 respectively. These plans include unlimited messaging and data for the BlackBerry, so there won't be any additional fees.

    My wife is currently using the BlackBerry Pearl 8130 on Sprint with the Simply Everything 900 plan. There are no additional fees for BlackBerry Messenger or text messaging.

    If you do go with the BlackBerry, I would recommend the Curve 8330 or Pearl 8130.

  3. I'm sure those extra "fees" are for the BB's internet connection. You can opt out of those services, but what would be the point in that? Might as well just get a regular cell phone.

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