
Would you recommend booking accomodation before arrival in oz??

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travelling to sydney then cairns spending 3 weeks in each.. would you sort accomodation before?? is oz expensive place ( food hostelsetc) ??




  1. I would probably just get accommodation for the first couple of nights when you arrive to get yourself sorted.  Once you are there you will be able to find accommodation easy enough.

    If you are going out there with the pound you are laughing as the pound is strong at the moment.

    Food and hostels are cheap.....

    Have Fun....God how I miss home!

  2. I`m from England and I have been to Australia several times..I book a couple of nights in Sydney then just book as a isn't the  cheap holiday is used to be for Brits..we are getting a very low exchange rate..just over 2 $ to the £ used to be nearly 3...big hole in our spending power..

    I`m waiting for the exchange rate to go up before my next trip...

  3. i would book beforehand.

    If you are coming from US, you might find the dollar isnt much different, and things in the city will be expensive, like hostels, going out etc

    If your coming from the UK, then whoo hoo you, you will have lots of money to spend, but keep in mind that things will still not be cheap, like europe.

    Have fun, say hi to my mum for me, she will cook you a barbie if you want

  4. You can just turn up and find hostels. Its quite cheap - well it was when I went in 2001. If you are worried about going with no accommodation booked then book for your own peace of mind.

  5. Book your accomodation before hand then you can relax and know you have somewhere to sleep!

    I have been to Australia and loved the country and it's people. Life is so relaxed and laid back.

    I can recommend a hotel in both places.

    We found Australia cheaper than UK for food drinks etc.

    We stayed at the Novotel Rockford, Palm Cove which was quite reasonable in price and a 5 minute stroll from the beach.

    In Sydney we stayed at Holiday Inn Darling harbour which again was reasonable priced.

  6. join the YHA and book in advance - both places have great accomodation and cheap as chips

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