
Would you recommend having a binder for college?

by Guest63876  |  earlier

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it was required to have one in high school but idk whether to use one now in college or not... I could just use my notebook....

my only classes are math, english, art, and computer concepts (but I may drop this one)....

I don't think it's worth the extra weight, but what do you think?




  1. I use a five subject notebook each semester. Binder's are too bulky, and I hate having to constantly open and close the stupid rings. I also carry a couple folders because they are sometimes useful.

  2. Ohh gosh yes....loose leaf notebooks(binders) are the only way to go.

    1.  The first day of class you will be hit with the syllabi's, otherwise known as your class bible--You cannot lose these. You need a place to keep all these handouts.

    2. All notes need to be re-written to be useful. Professors either talk at the speed of light with great intent on getting through vast amounts of materials, or in a super slow, circular kind of gibberish that only makes sense to them. Either way your notes will look crazy after a lecture.

    3. Binders hold up to the wear and tear. They can withstand the shuffle from your car to school to the library. In college there is alot more time spent transporting your stuff. You don't have a locker or a desk to stash stuff, only your car which is usually parked miles away.

    4. They make great umbrellas. Don't laugh ,cause anyone who has gone to college knows you will get caught in that downpour, unprepared. Classes are in different buildings that are very far apart from each other. Rain is inevitable.

  3. If you are a fast typer and the class suits using a laptop I would use that to take notes.

  4. I never bought binders to class because the desk space was so cramped and the lecture rooms where packed. I also hated that cracking binder noise when I opened or closed it during lecture.. lol. I usually just brought a clip board, took my notes, and then put them in their corresponding binders at home. It's also a bit safer, so you don't end up loosing an entire binder. Just keep it at home (my opinion).

  5. Notebooks are easier to manage. Unless you have a professor that requires loose leaf or engineering paper. Even on the enginerring paper, their are slimline engineering notebooks that are only about 1/4" thick.

       The main thing is to learn the material. Whether using binders, laptops, or paper sacks. ;-)   G/L in college

  6. It depends on the class. Some old-fashioned professors still use a chalkboard to teach, so in my opinion a notebook works best. Other professors have powerpoint lectures that you can print out, and in that case a binder works better. Additionally, some texts are loose leaf with three holes, so you need a binder to use it. And a few classes (labs usually) will require a lab binder.

  7. Use what you prefer. The only benefit to a binder is printing out lecture slides before a class and being able to flip them in a binder. I prefer notebooks myself though. Don't have to worry about pages getting their holes ripped and stuff falling out.

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