
Would you recommend me getting the book "The Rider's Fitness Guide to a Better Seat"? If not, . . . .

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Would you recommend me reading "The Rider's Fitness Guide to a Better Seat"? I'm looking for some exercise books for horseback riders to help improve my riding. Are there any other books that you would recommend besides the book mentioned above?




  1. I've never read that one, but I do own "The Rider's Fitness Guide" and "Pilates for the Dressage Rider".  The first book is OK but requires gym quipment - it will whip you into shape, though, and it is not easy!  The second book is WONDERFUL for riding and requires no equipment.  Both are on

    Also look at "Centered Riding" and "Centered Riding 2".  It doesn't have fitness programs but it does have a lot of exercises that will help your riding very much.  

    I have links to all these books in my profile.

  2. yes it is a great book. lots of fitness and exercises. definitely helps! ((:

  3. Bareback X2.  It will teach you 100 times better than any book.

  4. i would reccomend riding bareback. It will teach you your balance probably more than any book will. It sounds like a nice book though. If you have time to read it i say go for it. I don't think it could hurt anything. Just be open to other people suggestions. Some people are religious about what they read in books. The best way i learn is by figuring it out myself. Especially balance. I ride my one horse bareback everyday and alot of people comment me on my seat. Bareback will make it very strong.

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