
Would you recommend the T-Mobile Sidekick?

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So my phone broke, and my dad told me he would get me a new one. I want the T-Mobile Sidekick, and my dad said he might get it for me for Christmas. I wanted to know if you guys would recommend it, or not. I think with everything (a new plan, and two features) it's about $250, and the $50 is a monthly recurring fee. I think it's a pretty good deal, since we paid about that much with my current broken phone. So please help me out guys, I would really appreciate it!




  1. Nice Skin! I have a T Mobile Sidekick LX, its a pretty good phone, lots of features, Im not sure what prices you quoted, but the only feature you would need is the Sidekick Unlimited, it features Unlimited Web, Messaging, Email Access, Instant Messanging etc. Other features are optional. Like you can get M2M Mobile to Mobile for $6.99 per month if you talk to a lot of people who have T Mobile service. Also My Faves is pretty convenient as well. You get Unlimited Calls to and from any 5 people, even landlines. The drawbacks are you can only list 1 number per person and you can only change the people in your myfaves every 30 days, so if you added 5 people this service cycle you would have to wait until the next service cycle begins to change them, if you no longer wished to have unlimited calling to and from them. I've been a T Mobile Cutomer since 2005, they have great service. A new Sidekick Slide with a new 2 year contract should be like $199, same for the Sidekick ID, a New      SideKick LX should run you about $299.   Best of Luck!

  2. lucky ; i'd kill to have a sidekick, but i have AT&T and their phone choices are c**p!

    i have a pink Walkman though and its good i gues.

    better then nothing.

  3. Yes, I would recommend the sidekick.  Sidekick 3 is a pretty good phone. I have had friends that have had that phone right after Ogo died out. All of them love it. The new sidekick 2008 that just came out is awesome too. It offers more features then the other sidekicks. Either Sidekick 3 or Sidekick 2008 I would recommend.  

    You can go to phonescoop web site & look up whatever sidekick you want. Click the review tab to read reviews on the phone. You can read people opinions in such.

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