
Would you recommend this product for syphilis?

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  1. Trying to figure out if you are an alt-med hater troll, but still can't decide.

    Syphillis is a very dangerous disease that can go into remission for years, and then come back and cause severe brain damage.  There will be no symptoms until it is too late.

    I would recommend antibiotics, and not being such a tramp.

  2. Hmmmm.  I would have to say probably not.

  3. of course not...yet another quack product.

    $10 worth of parts (batteries not included) sold for $349 is a pretty healthy profit margin for a useless device.

    People on this board get upset about the pharmaceutical industry, but the biggest profits are in the Alt Med Industry., especiallly as they don't have to go through all that pesky (expensive) testing to prove it is safe and works.

    Nice racket if you have no morals.

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