
Would you recommend traveling by Greyhound? What are pros and cons? Is it safe for a single female?

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Would you recommend traveling by Greyhound? What are pros and cons? Is it safe for a single female?




  1. On Greyhound, you travel with a good size group of people, so that makes it fairly safe.  

    I'd only be worried if you were stopping off in the middle of large cities, like Detroit.  

    One problem, sometimes those buses don't smell wonderful, but usually, they're okay.  

    Keep a thing of mace in your purse, just in case, but you'll probably be fine.

    If you want, you might even find another single female to sit next to.  Or, at least across the aisle from her.

    You might also want to grab an aisle seat.  Then no one can box you in.

  2. The bigger question is, why are you traveling? If you are in a market that is only served by ground transportation, contact local, state or federal law enforcement agencies for statistics (safety issue). If you have rail or air transportation services, do some comparison (economic and time issues). If the trip is by bus for vacation or sightseeing, look at a map of the US Interstate system. Your trip pictures will be highway and intercity. If by train, pull up Amtrak's route map. Those pictures will paint a much different picture. If you go by plane, just soak it in. Should you ever know that you are going to fly over the Grand Canyon, during boarding, stop and make sure you ask the cockpit crew to do an S-turn vs. a 360 turn. This way both sides get a spectacular view.  Save your pennies, get a decent advance fare on Southwest, check in early, get a window seat and have a great time. AMTRAK? 50/50. Do your self a favor; take the Alaska Railroad before your 70th birthday. If not, make it your 70th birthday present. Go out and travel...

  3. Most of the times if you let the driver know that you are a bit apprehensive, the drivers will look out for you and help you feel more at ease.The pros of riding the bus is the view of the countryside, gives you time to relax and think what the next adventure is to unfold. Cons are sometimes more hilarious then dangerous, people of all sorts ride the bus so strange things can come up in your travels. It takes time and brake-downs can happen. But if fundage is a problem the Bus and sometimes the Train is the cheapest way to travel, it will take some time to get to where you want to go but it can be an adventure. Can take days to get to where you want to go.

  4. You will probably be allright but it may not be pleasant.  Especially long trips where everyone is confined in a small place for long periods.  Most people do not ride Greyhound because they like it more that they have no other means.  You won't always meet the nicest people on there.

  5. All of the answers listed here (so far) are absolutely correct. To answer the question myself...I wouldn't recommend it. The buses and the terminals do smell. They are not usually in a nice part of town, so I question the overall safety. The people that ride them are somewhat questionable. You are confined in a small amount of space with no fresh air.

    The worst part is that it takes for-ev-er to get where you're going because the bus stops at every other bus terminal in every city with a bus terminal to pick up other passengers. It once took me nine (9) hours to get to a place that would have only taken me 5 hours by automobile.

    Is there anyway you could take an Amtrak? They're not 'great' but they're better than Greyhound. Use Greyhound as a last resort.

  6. With all the employees and passengers around, its probably fairly safe.  Just be careful about wandering outside the station in some cities, as it is sometimes in the ghetto. My sister has taken Greyhound and had no problems.  Mainly it is very slow, and some of the fellow passengers are depressingly pathetic.

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