
Would you recommend working at Domino's or Little Cesar's?

by  |  earlier

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do they pay well?

What exactly do you do there, besides the people who deliver pizzas?




  1. DANG!! if you only put down Jets Pizza:( but sense you didn't I would have to say Little Cesar's I looove their crazy bread:) yum yum don't you?!  ( you made me drool a little bit) hehe keep it quiet though i have a reputation I can have people thinking i'm a pig!! "oink oink" LOL

  2. little caesars pizza they have the best pizza cheese sticks and crazy bread yummy xD

  3. 1, no they don't get paid well. You'll probably be getting minimum wage, or a little better.

    Other than driving, you can be in the store prepping pizza, cooking it, cleaning, taking side orders, handling counters, answering phones, really anything.

    I'd recommend Little Caeser's before Dominos.

  4. neither

  5. no you only work part time and they do not pay a fair wage there go find a better paying job you you are smart

  6. Either one they would probably pay the same. With the Little Caesar's ready to go pizzas though, you might have some people complaining they are not warm enough, since of course they are kept in their warmers. It seems there are a lot more Domino's locations around. Where I used to live there were no little Caesars at all, so it seems to me that Domino's is making more money than Little Caesars. I would recommend Domino's out of the two of them.

    But, I would go with whatever one you like more. More than likely you will be able to get free food, and free food is always the best food!  

  7. either one pays min. wage,but the good part is free pizza at the end of the night,when you made too much and a customer forgot to pick up their order or canceled their order you get to eat it.

  8. i would say dominoes, because its more well known and they probly pay more money:]

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