
Would you remarry your husband/wife if you could....?

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go back in time???

if someone answers "no" doesn´t that mean you should get a divorce? shouldn´t marriage be about choosing for each other over and over again??




  1. Well, hmm, knowing what i do now.  Heck no i wouldn't, i'd have stayed single and be out having a grand old time and still have plenty of cash left over.

    Women tend to be a huge drain on a man, financially, emotionally and physically.

    I suggest to all single men that they stay that way, just find a woman to use when they have the need and then drop them till next time.

  2. Yes I would remarry him again. We have talked about going to Vegas to renew our vows next year for our 10th anniversary.

  3. I have no regrets. My wife is beautiful both inside and out and I would never want anyone else. I make sure to be the best husband I can be.

  4. Not only would I remarry my wife, we are planning on renewing our vows on our ten year anniversary, so the kids can be involved and share in the love that we feel for each other.

  5. Absolutely - Alaska cruise planned for our 20th anniv.

  6. I would remarry my husband in a heartbeat.yes,we have had our ups and downs.But what couple hasn't.He is my soul mate,my best friend, and the father to our 3 kids.He is a great guy.I couldn't see myself no where else but with him.Each and every day that goes by I'm falling more and more in love with him.

  7. If a relationship ends then I would not get back with them.  It ended for a reason.

  8. I'd have to say yes... even if my (ex)husband was violent, mean, agressive and a cheating b*****d...

    He did give me the greatest gift of all, a child, and I would endure the pain again in a heartbeat to make sure I have that child...

  9. I wouldn't change anything in my past that would take away my son.

  10. I am going to do just that actually in the near future. I want her to know that I will take her to be my wife all over again.

  11. i certainly won't.  

  12. No I don't think marriage is about choosing each other over and over again..  It is about commitment.  All marriages hit flat spots times times when we are just there but we always come out of it and let each other know we love each other.  I would choose my husband over and over again no dought however if you are in a flat spot you may feel at that time you would not do it again...    Therefore I feel it is about being together and commiting to each other for life.  

    That is why you should never marry anyone but your best friend if you marry your best friend it can never go bad.  Even in down times you still care and love your best friend...  My husband is my best friend and i would have it no other way...


  14. I would never marry my husband over again.  I was young and stupid.  Now don't get me wrong...I did get 2 of the best gifts 2 kids.  I wouldn't change that for the world.

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