
Would you replace the current Ferrari drivers next year if you were in charge of the team?

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Would you replace the current Ferrari drivers next year if you were in charge of the team?




  1. Tiger Woods and Roger Federer.

  2. No, I don't think I would. Looking at their current standings, both drivers have a good shot at winning the Drivers Championship, which is better than any other team. So they are both bringing in the results.

  3. Keep Kimi, he ace and more consistent.

    Trade Massa for Kubica or Button.

  4. Not at all, I think they focused too much on kimi being their number 1, and as it turns out Massa is a few points ahead of him.

    I think ferrari do need to do much more testing in the wet though, thats their main problem. When massa is on form, he really goes for it. I think the personalities of massa and kubica would work well together, kimi always seems so bored by everything.

  5. well i i would have been ferrari incharge...i would have done the following.......

    1.Keep an assistant incharge and try to show him what an favour i have done on him by getting a job in ferrari...and promise him the job of ferrari chief(thats my ahead to knw my plan)

    2.terminate massa's contract...

    3.replace him with me...;-)

    4.promote my asst. to my place...(as i had promised)

    5.sign an atleast 5year contract with ferrari(after 5 yrs maybe i would want to join some other team....hmmm...u never know..;-)

    and go home and keep a big party(i am d**n rich now!!!)

    and LOL!!!!         ;-P

  6. I would keep kimi but swap massa for seb. v. I think seb is very promising and would love to see how he fared in a top car against kimi

  7. I would keep Kimi and trade Massa for Alonso. As for the we weather, the other teams went to extreme wet tires so if anything the strategy guy needs to be changed.

  8. they excell their best and i would like to keep them as they where...

  9. Nope. They're both on 48 points with Hamilton, albeit Hamilton is technically in front due to number of wins, no of 2nds etc.

    Massa has been miles better than raikonnen during the hockenheim practice sessions and he's a serious condender for the championship.

    I think ferrari should do some wet testing and development.

  10. Yes I would have Alonso as number 1 driver and Vettel as number 2.

    Give Kimi his p45, he's losing heart and Massa is just too hit and miss.

    Still love you loads kimi!

  11. No but I would do alot more wet testing and training especially for Massa. He is my fav since Micheal retired. I had hoped Massa would move up to P1 at Ferrari...

  12. Yes they can't drive in the wet, when it rains they spin off the track as they can't hack it.

    For those who gave me a thumbs down, niether of them have had a good race in wet weather, Massa is hopeless in wet conditions he keeps spinning off.

  13. I'd bring Schumi out of retirement, and put him up against Kimi.

    That'd be interesting, see whos better. I hoped Kimi would sign up for the ROC, so we can see them battle it out, but no word so far on it.

  14. .


    EDIT: Reading through you'd think that Ferrari were floundering around in 8th place.

    Their drivers are doing very well thank you, albeit with some lack lustre and even extremely poor performances.

    Yes, Kimi's motivation seems a little questionable and Felipe had a horrific experience in his last race.

    But change them for who? Kimi has eons of experience and Felipe is generally showing well. Replace them and you have another year of learning, adaptation and all that goes along with it.


  15. I am absolutely gobsmacked that some of you think Raikkonen-Massa is a great team.  They are wildly inconsistent and Kimi has been asked repeatedly about his motivation.

    They have both made ridiculous unforced errors on multiple occasions this season.  If I am in charge of the team and I am paying $35-40 million for a driver, I don't want repeated unforced errors when they are driving a fast car.  

    I would replace them ASAP.  If that means cheering for Hamilton or Kubica to win the title so that changes will be made, then fine.  I think this current lineup in bad for Ferrari's future.

    Ferrari needs a strong technical driver who knows how to test cars and take command of race strategy.  The only one I can think of is Alonso.  In a few years I hope Kubica can take the seat

  16. Nope. Massa and Raikkonen can both win the title this year. Rumours are saying Massa is being dropped for Kubica next year but what has Massa done wrong. HE IS AHEAD OF RAIKKONEN FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!! =]

  17. Both their drivers are joint top why would you?

    As for the driving in the wet the car needs adjusting for more downforce.

  18. I would have Massa as he can drive in the wet and Rosberg as I think he needs a better car.

    Definitely not Alonso, he's alright with Renault.

  19. No,even though they're guilty of the odd poor race, the standings don't lie. Both Kimi and Felipe are good drivers but both could do with the occasional kick up the bottom!

  20. Nope, I'd retain the current line up as it's already good. Why fix something that's not broken? But I might replace Massa with someone else though. Kubica maybe. Kimi is still doing well but I think he needs a bit of luck

  21. yes!!

  22. No not yet, they are a good team.

    Though I feel Kimi may leave on his on will before the decades out, he should be wiping the floor with this season but is only doing enough to contend for the championship.

  23. I  would like to see  Kimi  stay  in F1  but with another team  BMW

    I would like to see  MASSA  in a Honda  

    Ferrari  line up      TRULLI  and  HIEDFIELD

    just to mix things up !!

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