
Would you report another user who answered a question about being patriotic like this?

by  |  earlier

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witwwats wrote this to me>>

"Because you do not question, you attack and interfere, without the knowledge or authority to do so.

When you are stopped, you whine and say "we were ONLY questioning".

Question all you want, but do not interfere.

You are not just exercising your right to question, you are undermining the authority of the United States, an act of Treason, for which you should be convicted and shot."




  1. I don't see a reason to report them.

  2. sounds like a low level unAmerican Party bully

    I reported him

  3. some people follow blindly and cant understand anyone else's opinion, dont worry about it, hecan hurt you maybe just your feelings for a while, you know the rhyme 'sticks and stones etc'

  4. Why should you, MZ.

  5. No. I would ignore the person. The poster is retarded. That's punishment enough.

  6. Nope, it's just that person's opinion in the answer to a question.  You can leave negative comments too, and thumbs down, but why go beyond that?  Perhaps even blocking that individual may be of use to you.  Its all just word-play here; you need to fight with words too specifically in writing because this ain't youtube where you can be heard and seen pleading your case.

  7. NO!! NO!! NO!! This telling, reporting, snitching, ratting on each other has to STOP!!  This may only be Yahoo Answers, but d**n it we are all free people choosing to be here, so we should just learn to live with answers that we do not like, find offensive.  So lets all stop telling on each other and act like f'ing adults. That is the specific.

    The General is that this tattle tale culture has to come to an end.  It is the way to the Soviets and gulags.  Think about it, without rats the Soviets would not have lasted 30 years, much less 90.  The KGB would not have been able to do what it did without informants.  And people we are not that far from the gulag here in America.  And the rats and snitches will grease the skids just as they have done in all times.  But that is not a good reason to tell on someone because you disagree with them.  

    The poster that thinks that you should be shot, is just the sort that will work at the gulag or be an informant for the internal security agencies.

  8. Because he is ignorant and has very limited knowledge on the situation of the world today

  9. Actually no.  I do not think that he has been in breach of the terms and conditions of the site.  He still sounds like an ar$e.  By asking a question on Yahoo, you are in no way 'undermining the authority of the United States' and people like him with his retarded answers give all americans a bad name.  Which is a shame as most are okay.

  10. Hey this guy escaped from the n**i party. Hitler would have made him a general. The guy was just born in the wrong time frame.

  11. every body seems to get strung up on offencive remarks this is an open community free to speak and say what you feel. if some bodes remarks are offencive just hit the blue report it button have it removed and the person will get 12 points deducted off their total points how do i know because its happened to me. there are more important things in life than getting upset over a person opinion,

  12. You don't have enough courage to let the other YA users read your questions and answers.  Why don't you just let this forum be a free exchange of ideas and stop trying to be a mind patrol.  Report yourself.  Leave the rest of us alone.

  13. Report the jerk he is most probably on the low-life side of life. and is to much of a Coward to come forward.

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