My horse is lame so I got permission to use a barn horse that isnt my favorite. Actually I really dont like him. At all. And he doesnt like me either. Im not making that up. You know how you can just tell when a horse loves and trusts you, well this horse really doesnt like me. I can tell. I think its because I make him work and dont put up with his BS (he learned during he previous lease that planting his feet will sometimes get him out of riding and refusing to canter keeps the work to a minimum).
Anyway, I got on to ride then spent the first 10 minutes of the ride walking around trying to figure out why in the world I was on a horse that I clearly did not get along with. A big one that could kill me if so desired. Never got a good answer out of myself.
So my question is, would you trust a horse that you really disliked (hated) to carry you around a ring safely? What if he didn't like you either? Said horse would be well trained and usually quiet (lazy).
I decided to keep my ride short and find another horse to ride till Jazz is better. I ride unfamiliar horses all the time and feel completely safe but I couldnt rationalize riding a horse when we didnt like each other that much. Something about it made my really uncomfortable.
So what would y'all do?