
Would you ride a horse that you really didn't get along with?

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My horse is lame so I got permission to use a barn horse that isnt my favorite. Actually I really dont like him. At all. And he doesnt like me either. Im not making that up. You know how you can just tell when a horse loves and trusts you, well this horse really doesnt like me. I can tell. I think its because I make him work and dont put up with his BS (he learned during he previous lease that planting his feet will sometimes get him out of riding and refusing to canter keeps the work to a minimum).

Anyway, I got on to ride then spent the first 10 minutes of the ride walking around trying to figure out why in the world I was on a horse that I clearly did not get along with. A big one that could kill me if so desired. Never got a good answer out of myself.

So my question is, would you trust a horse that you really disliked (hated) to carry you around a ring safely? What if he didn't like you either? Said horse would be well trained and usually quiet (lazy).

I decided to keep my ride short and find another horse to ride till Jazz is better. I ride unfamiliar horses all the time and feel completely safe but I couldnt rationalize riding a horse when we didnt like each other that much. Something about it made my really uncomfortable.

So what would y'all do?




  1. I probably wouldn't ride him because its not safe. You can get bucked off a lot or kicked and you might die from that or if you are jumping the horse would stop and cause a bad injury to you. So NO  

  2. I would........Would anybody give up on a horse that easy if you would you have no horsemanship at all.

  3. I probably wouldnt ride him

  4. Will Rogers said he never met a man he didn't like. Well I never met a horse I didn't like. There are horse I don't like as much as others and there are problem horses. I look at problem horses as a challenge and I will do and try anything to get through to them. Horses are like children and there is always a way to reach them. The hard part is finding the path. Think how good you would feel if you turned that horse around.

    My gelding Hoksheena was a problem horse. I had mares that were easier to ride. For a long time it was real work to take him out. I felt like giving up at times. My mares were easier, but I stuck with him and he turned around and now I have a good horse.

  5. I think that you should try and create a bond with him and then maybe after a couple of weeks of riding him if you still don't like him ask to switch to a different horse.

  6. i would. . . i'd ride any horse they put infront of me just to get the chance to ride. had lesson horse's try to buck me off, that was fun. had mean little ponies run me legs into walls and fall off head first off them, still rode em. loved to ride, no matter what horse i got to get on, i just like riding different horses.  

  7. When I was younger and didn't have my own horses...I would ride anything I could get permission to ride! I didn't care if it bucked or not...I just wanted to ride. As a adult in my 30's...I am more careful now. Personally, I have never met a horse that I didn't like. I mean...they are horses...what is there not to like about them?

    If you rode that horse, that you do not like...maybe you could teach him to not be so sour about doing the things you talk about.

    In my opinion...a truely good rider..can ride any horse and make it look good. Whether it be a schoolie like the horse you don't like or a youngster like the belgian cross.

  8. I definatley wouldnt do it by choice, but i have been forced to in the past.

  9. I think it depends on why you ride horses.  If it is to develop as a horseman/woman, then you ride every horse and make it work.  If it is just something you enjoy doing, then why ride a horse you don't like?

  10. Well, I would just hang out with him in the pasture to start a relationship and so you can trust each other if you do that then im sure youll luv each other.

  11. Well horses can sense your emotions, so truthfully I wouldn't ride him. If i was on a horse that I trully didnt like, i know I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself. Yes, it would be a challenging adventure but I don't ride a horse unless I trust it and if I dont like the horse, that usually means I dont trust it

  12. I would ask to ride another horse. If you don't feel comfortable, why would you trust someone with your life? I will not ride I horse I do not like and I trust mine completely. Obviously you are uncomfortable, please just to be safe, don't ride him.

    EDIT: if you felt safe on him and he listened to you.. Then go ahead and ride him. Did your trainer tell you anyhing?

    EDIT: Well if you rode him fine, although you don't like him , stick with the other horse you might ride until Jazz gets better. I wouldn't completly rule him out though. If for some reason you can't ride another horse then go ahead and ride the one you don't like. But if you ever don't feel comforatable, tell someone right away. sound good :] ?

  13. The way you become a good rider is by riding different horses of all callibers.

    Riding a push button horse is a no brain-er. You learn to become an accomplished rider by riding horses that are a challenge.

    Ones that make you think.

    The fact that you "don't like" each other is irrelevant.

    Edit - It sounds like you are justifying a reason to avoid this horse. Why is that? if you are afraid of him or  is he some dangerous rogue?

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