
Would you risk everything for your dream?

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Your job,your home,your life to attain the dream.




  1. No because I don't need to risk anything for achieving my dream because my dream is something that will eventually happen with time.

  2. 8 I have done that three times and won twice. Still working on the third comeback. This time I have help from the SGI practice. The romance has worked out, the health has worked out and now I am working on the money .

  3. yes because if you play it safe, you risk the chance of never reaching complete happiness.  if you crash and burn, at least you gave it a shot.

  4. Nope.

    I'm not a gambler.  

  5. I'm 22--I feel like I'd risk just about anything other than family... ****, all I have right now is college.

    Would I risk everything in the future? Just about... job, home, location... why not? One life to live

    But then again, I'm thinking like a 22yr old

  6. I did. I lost it all and lost my dream along with it.

    I'd do it again, too.  

  7. It depends on what the dream was.

  8. If my dream was my everything, I would risk anything for my dream.

  9. No- what if you lost things or people in that pursuit only to realize the "dream" wasn't what you thought it would be, and what you had was actually really good?

  10. ...not anymore...getting comfortable to the good life...

    ...enjoying what money can buy...for me...thanks for asking...

  11. what if you already had your dream....then your life is a pathetic waste land and your only there to take up space......and ......and.......and......huhuhu clapping monkey....oh and wat if you had everything and your dream was a trash collector. I think your question is really obvious and simple.

  12. If my dream was the only thing I lived for, yes.

  13. Lets just say I got to the point in my life where I was doing things that made me feel like I had to carry a revolver around everywhere I went.

    ...but those days are over.

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