
Would you risk hurting or killing something you love..Horse lovers?

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You proclaim to love your horses but are quite happy for them to risk death or injury,over extreme distances over obstacles to big and if whip not used for controling the horse its whip them to go faster...If you really loved them you would not subject them to this..Hurdles maybe...Dont say they love to jump they do but not like this...Anyway right Townie here..Still how do you know ive not got first hand knowledge of Fox hunting,the disgusting social parade and social practice of ripping a Fox to bits..Or teaching the young hounds to rip cubs to bits..Same as intensive Farming us Townies know nothing...So carry on in your concieted manner,you know best..Funny old World putting the things you love at such risk...




  1. Sorry... im not a horse lover or anything... bt i just want to say that you have a really good point! that is exactly what i think! if you loved your horse then why would you risk it being seriously injured or having to be put down... just because you want to show off that your horse is faster than other peoples??! you are spot on mate! =]

  2. Well, in the US most organized fox hunts these days use a scented lure and no live fox is involved. Furthermore, horses get injured running around pastures and in their stall, no human intervention required.

  3. There is risk in everything. . Should you never get on a plane, train, ride in a car, or even walk in the rain?

    I doubt that you would. .

  4. dumb, know what you are truly talking about before you ever post something so UN-intelligent again please!

  5. If you hate horse racing so much, why are you constantly in this forum?

    Go join the rest of the bunny hugging brigade and leave the rest of us to help people out with their questions on the sport.

    If you have a problem with fox hunting I suggest you express that in the "hunting" section.

  6. I love my Sanchase, I'd never be happy if she ever fell. Right now she's having bad problems. I think this is half stupid, half unkown junkie and half true. Before I bought my Sanchase, she was raced with a broken leg and soon she had a sprained leg and a fully busted up leg. After her amazing recovery I bought the cutie at a market.

    To save my Sanchases life, please answer!;_ylc=...

  7. You have a nasty, ignorant, bigotted attitude that disgusts me. I have friends who foxhunt, and I have worked in a stable where field hunters were kept. Foxhunts are NOT cruel things, and most of the horses which participate in this sport are not abused either !!! As for the idea that the hounds rip animals to bits, that is NONSENSE !!!! I have never heard of a case where that happened. You sound as though you are from the UK, where foxhunting has supposedly been banned- though that's probably not going to last much longer now that Tony Blair's Labour party is out of office. Brown, your new PM, seems to be a lot less biggoted towards people who live in the countryside and enjoy this sport. Unlike Blair, he also appears to recognize that there is a huge segement of your country's economy that depends upon the sport of foxhunting, and banning the sport was a very foolish, stupid thing to do. Trying to ban that sport has been about as effective in the UK as attempting to ban baseball would be in the States- it just ain't gonna happen anytime soon.  

    As far as horses being treated badly, I have never seen any evidence of this, either, at least not at most hunts. These horses love what they do, and so do their riders. The hunting whips you have seen are not used on the horses- they are used to control and discipline ( or rate) the hounds. Plus, foxhunts are a breeding ground for top competitive riders,not only in the show world in the UK, but in other horse sports, such as Eventing, which is HUGE where you are. There are tons of cases throughout history where Olympic medalists got their start in the hunting field.

    If I still jumped ( I don't now, but that was because I had an accident in college that scared me, and I lost my nerve over fences not long after- and it was NOT the horse's fault !) I would glady participate in hunting, because it's a great sport and a lot of fun. I still ride, and I stiil enjoy being out on horseback, though. Enough said.

  8. Horses are meant for transportation coz they travel faster than any animals tamed by man. Since they are animals they are trained using whips,etc not to hurt but to communicate instructions.  Anyway these things are done not to subject horses from brutality ... they are loved, taken care of and used for the purpose they are meant to be.

    Horses are given honor and accolades for all the deeds they give to man.

  9. Saffie, is that you???  Your mum has been so distraught over the Lacrioux incident.  We could have left you at roadstop, but so close to hunting county, we decided to come back, so please call home.


  10. Okay. Your are making no sense here.

    Please try to re-word your so called "question" so that we may be able to actually [[answer]] it.

    thank you..

  11. i disagree with fox hunting with dogs, but when most farmers are lucky to break even then humainly shooting a pest fox that keeps killing valuable stock i dont think is too much of an issue. but as for the horse racing, its not the fact of the horses running over fences, that what they were born to do and what they do in the wild. take a look at the horses that loose their riders, they keep going.

    the thing that i disagree with when it comes to horse racing is the way the animals are kept. their natural diet goes out the window! horses could live on grass but inthe horse racing world to have roughage going through their system makes that heavier so they are kept in a stable 24/7 and fed on concentrates which leads to gastric ulsers alot of the time leading inevitable to death.

    running is what horses do in the wild but being kept in a box on food their digestive system was not design to digest is not.

  12. youre whats known as a numpty my friend

  13. Wrong site, dude... I believe you're looking for PETA.

  14. you have a valid point there.. :)

  15. Sir!!! First, many horse lovers are AGAINST these barbarous practices. If you love something or someone, you don't beat them up. That's generally a rule, unless you like beating things up. Second, ripping Anything, including  foxes, to bits is barbaric!!! THIRD....

    Well, third, if you hadn't been insulting horse lovers and gotten fox hunting mixed up in it, all of the Web probably would sympathize with you. Now, you're drawing flak and insults.

    -Your Friend

  16. I do care about horses but also enjoy learning about racehorses, the people in the industry (trainers, jockeys, etc.) and like the excitement of watching races.   As Rags to Riches correctly points out, horses can be injured in their stalls or while grazing in a pasture.  Based on my own experience, I do think that most horses are competitive animals and like to run.  Ever go on a trail ride with a group of other horses?  I used to take this very calm, slow horse out for trail rides with one other horse.  He never went faster than I gently asked.  One day I went out on the same horse with a group of ten horses and he turned into a different horse.  When we all cantered, he broke into a gallop and raced the other horses, while I was doing my best ot pull him up.  I assume he was having fun because I was asking him to slow down and couldn't get him to. You are right that horse racing is dangerous because of the speed and fragility of horses.  But, people are concerned and are working on ways to make it safer.  One example is polytrack. While they certainly don't have it right yet, someday soon horses will be able to race on a much safer surface.

  17. Would you play soccer knowing you could tear a knee? Of course you would!

  18. You do seem to have a problem with the issues you raised. A horse isn't a pet, it's a working animal like gun dogs, hounds etc. Animals can be trained and this is best done by encouragement rather than force. Dogs are used to sniff out victims of earthquakes etc. this is also dangerous for the dog. Should this be stopped?

    A properly trained hound will kill a fox with the first bite, so it is dead before it is ripped apart. BTW did you realise what a vicious killer the fox is? It doesn't only kill for food, it will go into a killing frenzy and kill anything that's around (particularly so with chickens in a chicken run) and just leave the bodies laying around.

    How do I know you haven't got genuine first hand knowledge and understanding of fox hunting? simply reading your question.

    PS I'm also a "Townie"

  19. that doesnt even make sense. you need to learn more about horses before you go shooting off your mouth like an idiot. go learn about horses and then come back!

  20. I would love to say that I would not do that but I can't since we do harness racing.  I will say though that our's are treated very well and are not whipped to make them go faster but just tapped as a signal.

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