
Would you risk your life to protect The Queen?

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Would you risk your life to protect The Queen?




  1. I swore an oath to defend her on joining the RAF. I may have retired from the service but the oath stands.

  2. Never .Russia had the best idea

  3. No,i have nothing against the royal family and I'm actually quite a royalist,but No,I have my family to think about and do you really think she would give her life for us?

  4. No.  That's reserved for my nearest and dearest.  I see no reason why the queen should be different to anyone else.

  5. I might give her a push but no she is just another face in the crowd as far as i'm concerened .....sorry ms queen you are no better than anyone else in my book.You have lived a privledge life & your end is nearing by the hour like the rest of us and you will have to meet your maker like the rest of us and give an account of your life whether it be good r bad,secret or not just loke the rest of us.Sorry but these are the facts and it cant be changed no matter who you are.

  6. No because I value the lives of my own family more than anyone else on earth.  I do, however, have great respect for her.

  7. No more so than I would risk my life to protect anyone else.

  8. no

  9. If there was no one else around to help (pretty unlikely in her case) and she was in grave danger, then yes I probably would. Not because she is the Queen - I'd do the same for any elderly lady.

    If you mean, would I sign up to the forces to protect her.... no, definitely not.

  10. don't think so

  11. I expect so, you know, if I saw someone going to hurt her and I happened to be nearby (very unlikely) then I'd step in, then again I'd like to think that if I saw any old lady being attacked I'd try to help.

  12. No. She works for us & I don't think she would risk her life for me.

  13. Yes of course she is a human like every one else. She didnt ask to be queen and if she was up her own **** and didnt appreciate what I had done for her I could kill her afterwards. But until I meet her personally i cannot comment on what she is like in real life...she might be more down to earth than me and you! Good question though!!!! have a star!!!

  14. If I took an oath to do so, I would. We don't have royalty here, pity. I wouldn't fetch George Bush a glass of water if it would save his life, though.

  15. No way

  16. Not today, I have to get loads of washing done as the macines been broken for 5 weeks!

  17. No more than I would anyone else!

  18. I wouldn't risk breaking a finger nail for her.

  19. no, I don't know her, and I don't think I'll risk my life for a total stranger

  20. No, would you?

  21. THE what of WHERE ?

  22. No.  Would she risk her life to save you?!

  23. h**l , No.

  24. only if i was a bee .lol

  25. In one word no.

  26. No, she has police to do that for her.

  27. No, i would risk my life for my family and freinds, not a complete stranger .........i am selfish i admit it!

  28. Yes.

    I don't see why she should be any different!

    I'd risk my life to protect anyone!

  29. Not bloody likely!        CJ

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