
Would you run away too if you were on that greyhound where the man was decapitated?

by  |  earlier

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true, but he was screaming after the first stab. someone could of just rush in right away and save him. who knows if he was dead yet.

remember fifty cents got shot 9 times or something




  1. It is a lot easier to judge when you weren't there. There is a big difference between attacking a man threatening to hurt others vs one who has already violently started assulting others.

    Perhaps the 6 people seated directly around the victim were aware of what was happening but the rest of the bus probably just saw a mass panic and got the h**l out of the way. If people are fleeing for their lives the logical thing to do is follow suit. I can honestly tell you if that happened in front of me my first instinct would be to grab my daughter and run as quick as I could.

    If you want to blame someone besides the attacker why don't you blame greyhound for not screening passengers for weapons?  

  2. In all honesty,I don't know what I would have done. None of us can say because we weren't in the situation. I think it was such a shocking sight that everyone was just totally confused.

    I would like to say I would have helped. Maybe if I had some mace or something I might have tried to spray him,but I don't know if I would have been brave enough to try and subdue a maniac wielding a huge knife.

    I truly think that by the time it actually sunk in as to what was happening,it was already too late for the poor man.

  3. 37 people were on board of the bus, in a moment of panic people react differently , your question is a good one  indeed! personally myself "alone" and I reapeat "ALONE" with capital letters I would have ran out of the bus as well, but with a large amount of people on the bus they could have prevented " One guy " from commiting this grusome act , I cannot believe that a bus full of people just ran instead of saving the life of an innocent young man. I sure hope that if I ever travel on a bus I will not travel with the same people that I call "selfish to the very core"  

  4. It is easy for us to discuss what THEY could have done and what they should have done...because we were not in their situation.

    I don't know what I would have done..possibly absolutely nothing because a part of me would disbelieve what I was seeing and hearing.. or I could have possibly and easily panicked and bolted right off the bus...

    sure I am sure we would all LIKE to be heros ... we would have LIKED to have been able to have the victim survive ..but unless we were there.. who knows.

  5. I would like to think that I would have tried to help, but can't honestly say. Something like that is definitely situational,and can't realistically be answered hypothetically

  6. I agree with you, that upon the first stab, there was probably a scream, and once it became obvious what was happening, I'd like to think I'd help the poor 22 year old out.

    That's in a perfect world.  My suspicion is that when a citizen in public watches another citizen be murdered via random violence, a kind of paralyzing shock takes over.  People are in a state of  complete disbelief.  Everything seems surreal. Then  "Fight or flight."  

    For whatever reason, it was this gentleman's destiny to die at the hands of a madman before many witnesses.  I do not know if his death could have been prevented once the attack began.

    Personally, if I was nearby, I probably would try to brain the attacker, particularly if I were younger and cockier like I once was.


  7. A big knife in the hands of someone who is strong and homicidal is a very scary thing.  I suspect that anyone trying to intervene would have been badly hurt and not have saved the intended victim.  I think I would have run like a rabbit!

  8. The people weren't running away.. the bus driver did what he should have done in a crisis, which is stop the bus and call for help and of course get the other passengers out of the bus where a madman is.. It was too late for the poor guy who so sadly was murdered at age 22 but he was already stabbed at least 5 times in the chest before the other passengers knew what was happening, so nobody could have saved his life... Really. He decapitated him when he was dead and the others did not run away they were outside the bus and saw it.... they had nowhere to run.. but yes..  Humans have to think about their own safety, especially as it was too late to help the young man, he died from the stab wounds in the chest so he was dead and this was a madman and a horrible horrible story... only if one can safe a life is it worthwhile to do so and in first aid it also says do not attempt anything that brings the life of a first aider into danger.. and those were normal passengers and not supermen and women who could just take the knife out of his hands... xx

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