
Would you sacrifice your career for love? ?

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work or love...where is the balance between the 2




  1. This is hard because I love money and I love being in love.So I would try to balance the two maybe pursue my career while my partner does the same thing not having a very serious relationship.Then when we both get to where we wanna go in terms of our career then maybe we can start pursuing our relationship a lot more.

  2. this is a tough one a really tough one because you can say that in a way i am in this position ... my career is growing and fast and i am getting so many opportunities to do things and its a bit time consuming but i come home to the most amazing person in the world my PRINZ! and career is something in the past... but i worry that it won't always be that way being that i want more out of my career, its not about the money, the money is good anywhere its about what i want for my life and my hard work and what it will get me in the future so i can share those things with my prinz!... so its a tough one for me... i dont think i could ever choose, either way i lose... so why would i want to choose?

  3. i would say balance both. But love can sometimes get me blind and get out of focus.

  4. It would depend who for, what about and what is the projection into the future. The intensity of love and work are discontinous and I cannot put up with ultimatums. It wouldn't be the first time that I give up my kingdom for a plate of lentils.


  5. love is obviously more important, you cant let your career take over your life.

  6. yes

    love is obviously more important then money.

  7. It depends on how much I love my career.  And, of course, how much I love the person.

  8. I totally would!  Love (along with happiness and health) are the most important things for me.  Of course having a good career is great but if your not happy what is the point?

  9. Love comes first.  Job comes second!  No if's, but's or not's.

  10. its hard for some people to choose, but if it was between work, and the person i want to spend my life with, theres no thought needed, i got to go with love.

  11. I would, I have, no regrets

  12. NO. h**l NO.

    Love is all is sorta like one of those opportunities that you dont just give up...

    I heard this line before. Duties first..feelings second.

  13. I think it varies with every person. You just have to ask yourself which is more important? Also it would depend on the reason you're giving up your career.

    There needs to be compromise. I don't believe that you should give up something that you have worked really hard for, simply for love. Nor should your career keep you from someone that you deeply care about.

  14. Balance between the two, but most of all work would come first.  Love can't be garanteed too much these days.

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