
Would you say I am introvert?

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I just noticed that I get nervous for a situation where many people won't get nervous. I want to fix this part of my personality but don't know how because I don't know what wrong with me. What do you think? Am I too sensitive? or am I introvert?

For example, when I am at cafe and use computer, I tend to sit down a corner where people can't really see what I am reading. If I sit down some where in a middle, I try to read websites that has cool stuff...that people won't laugh at me. (I don't think people are looking at mine though...)

For example, when I am at cafe with somebody else, I try to talk something that people won't think strange of me. For example, if we talk about relationship, I won't talk too seriously stuff but talk normal stuff that other customers can listen. (Again, who knows if they are listening to us or not...) But I noticed that many people don't really care...

When I drive, I sometimes use my friend's wagon which I am not really used to drive. So especially when I park somewhere that's very busy, I feel like people are watching me. So I tend to park far away from where I need to go and park easily without worrying other people watching me, and walk to the place.

I know that I worry what other people think of me. But don't most people worry though? Why am I feeling too sensitive?

For example,




  1. im 50 yrs. and still a little self-conscious. was a whole lot worse in my younger days. i believe im an introvert. i dont need people around me. just certain family members. i hate going to walmart ,afraid i will have to talk to someone or see someone i know. iam very content to stay home daily and do whatever. i hate talking on the ph. 2. iam just a loner. and i like being by myself. of course others think u need to do something out of the house. they dont understand iam happy by myself. i have 1 friend. dont even ha ve  time or want to call her. sdometimes iwonder why im like this. i just prefer 2 be with myself.  

  2. I agree with myangel, I am exactly the same way. I'm still in middle school and I've seen how people can turn things around. (If I dye my hair black, then I'm a gothic, if I'm seen walking close to a girl then I'm suddenly a L*****n, etc.) I hate going to Walmart also, because there is always someone there from my school, and I always worry that they're going to make something up from looking at what we're buying there. (Sounds rediculous, but kids are cruel these days!) From the way people have treated me at school, I have become an introvert. At first all I thought was that I was so lonely and didn't have any friends, but now I have come to love it. Being by myself makes me happier than being with anybody else. I can express my feelings and be creative.

    I would say you are an introvert, but don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. There's a quote I always remind myself of to feel better about myself, and it's-

    "Some people show their beauty because they want the world to see it, while some hide it because they want the world to see something else."

  3. I don't believe that you're an introvert.

    However, I DO believe that you're self conscious. This is normal, by the way - you just have to learn to manage it. :)

    One thing you can do to change this behavior is to focus less on other people's perceptions of you.

    Because other people focus much less on you than you think.

    Try this: next time you think someone is watching you, and you feel some social anxiety, just act normal - and then feel your anxiety disappear. Once the anxiety starts, you have two choices:

    (1) Pay more attention to it, and then become more anxious

    (2) Ignore it, and then become less anxious.

    Try #2 - it will help!

    Take care! :)

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