
Would you say I look Greek?

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  1. i would say a turkish guy from central anatolia  you have asiatic features could be also a greek

  2. No you look like Turkish!

  3. Most likely Turkish

  4. no u are too dark to be greek but u just have the greek nose and white skin...something about ur eye and eye brow looks asian/turkish

  5. yea

    u do

  6. could be - but more likely Turkish

    To be honest I do think you are not Greek and after stydying the background I know for sure the photo was not taken in Greece - I'm pretty observant or nosey (as other people call it!)

    To the answerer .....

    There is NOTHING insulting about people saying someone looks Turkish ..... typical comment from a user on the Greek section!!!

  7. You could be Greek.

  8. Yes you do.

  9. Hmm you could be (i think) ... but by your face you look more Turkish.

  10. Yes my friend, you look Greek. Don't mind the insulting answers, they are jealous.

  11. No you do look more Turkish maybe Lebanese.

    :) sorry

  12. I will tell you the true and I hope you don't care about It, for me you look like more turkish.

    You could be Greek but your characters are more from turkey.

  13. You look more Greek than Turkish to me.

    But we have many different faces. It wouldn't surprise me if you turned out to be my neighbor's son.

  14. yeah, but the picture is not clear enough though. Ur cute :)

    Edit: LOL why the 9 thumbs downs?

  15. You could be a Greek, but mouth and nose reminds me also of something more...oriental. On the other hand, if I pass my foto, I'm sure that many people would say I'm Turk or Italian (judging by the style). The most important is that you look...healthy!


  16. No, just a guy from High Wycombe.

  17. Yes, you do.

  18. yeah........ you look like ne of us... but why do you want to be just like us?

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