
Would you say i have social anxiety?

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I've heard about it before, and have looked it up and i pretty much relate to it, but idk if someone can classify themselves as it. Do you need a doctor to diagnose you with it or can you just know by reading about it by relating to it?

I think I have it because;

When im around a group of people, no matter who they are, even if they are friends, i can't talk, i never know what to say, or what people would think of me if i said something.

i constantly think people are watchin me and judging me. Even if i just want to go across the street to get a soda from the store, or if i just take out the trash i look to see if there are people out there, and if they are, i wait a while debating if i should go yet. It;s hard for me to talk to people, even tho i want to so bad, something just makes me feel weird about it. I never feel comfortable around anyone. maybe just like 3 or 4 people. and thats it. im afraid of meeting new people. I tend to try to put off plans because i worry what people will think of me or because i know i wont talk if i meet someone new. i dont like to do anything in front of people, its like im not myself, but i cant help it, i want to be so bad, but i just cant make myself get over my fear.

would you say this is social anxiety? or something else. i dont want to go to a doctor to find out. and i dont want to ask my dad to take me because he might not think there is a such thing or might think im weird.




  1. I'd say everyone has a case of social anxiety, you just have a more advanced case.  

  2. It sounds exactly like social anxiety. That's how it feels. The paralysis, the thinking people are watching and judging you, the avoiding social situations. Trust me, you're not alone. LOTS of people feel this way. And people do get over it and learn to even enjoy social situations. (I know that sounds impossible now).

    If you can't talk to your Dad, or can't go to the doctor, maybe try talking to the guidance counselor at school?

    Edit: And yes, all teens feel self-conscious. But if you're paralyzed and can't talk. If you can't cross the street. If you avoid being around people. If you can't do things when somebody is watching. Or if you can do these things but only with a lot of difficulty. That's social anxiety. It's not the same as normal shyness.

  3. Yes, I would say you have Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia.

    I have the same thing, and it's tough. I think you should make an appointment with a mental health professional like a psycholigist or a social worker. I'm not trying to be like Tom Cruise here, but I would definitely avoid taking any kind of medication for this because it only mask the problem. Do some research on C.B.T. and try doing some breathing exercises.

    I wish you the best of luck,


  4. You can change all this by just being more aware of what you are doing and what you are looking at, not what they are doing.. You can get help with this and it is nothing to be ashamed of. You may be afraid of what people are thinking of you,that is something you CAN control. Be more accepting of yourself and then you will not even care to  find out what others think of you. Wake up tomorrow and decide to change your outlook and if someone really is looking at you just smile. If you treat others nice and smile a lot the world will smile back at you, I promise!

  5. i'm going to guess that you are in your teens.

    one of the 'curses' of adolescence is the "sense of false uniqueness".. everyone is watching you, everyone can see your faults, your the only one who feels the way you do, and you're the only person who is awkward or nervous in a group that they don't notice if others are feeling / acting the same way they are.

    basically - what you have described is how most teens feel.

    you're probably thinking "no way - no one else acts that way"...

    and you're probably right.. and i can guarantee you that no one think YOU act that way either. people are so concerned about how they feel when they are talking to other people (sound familiar?), or how they look in front of strangers (etc).

    some people (like yourself) take it one step further and let it interfere with their day to day life.. you haven't let it get too far and interrupt too much. but it's something to keep an eye on.

    you may want to go and talk to someone -- a counselor at your school, or even the kids-help-phone.

    one tip i give the teens i work with you are feeling conscious around others is just to remember -- everyone is a human, and all humans poo! if you give yourself a quick second to picture that -- people seem much less intimidating!

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