
Would you say someone between 35 and 40 is middle aged? ?

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I ask because the whole concept of middle age is now slowly disappearing, with phrases like "You're only as old as you feel" being bandied about.

What are your views?





  1. I am 53 and if 40 is middle aged, I am more then ready to drop over dead any day now.

    I think over 50 is the new middle aged.

    I feel like life is just beginning.

  2. Middle aged is someone the same age as you, that you don't like.

  3. not sure >> it seems as you get older, you are allowed to take 10-20 years off your life.  At least in those commercials I hear all the time >> 60 is the new 40.  So I'm guessing by the time you turn 100, that will be the new 70.

    by those rules 35 must be the new 30!

  4. For me middle age is over 40.

    More for men, but i don`t know, for women it must be the same.

  5. No, that's still pretty young. I'd say mid to late forties is getting into middle age.

  6. Wait until the person of interest dies then divide age of death by two. If the answer lies between 35 and 40, then yes that particular person was middle aged.

  7. im 43 very awkward age i know im not young but certainly dont feel middle aged.35 is definitly not middle aged. i would class 50 as middle aged because people are living longer than ever.Good question really made us think.

  8. id say 45 and 55

  9. To someone in their teens, someone between 35 and 40 is middle aged.  To me, they're still in the first flush of youth.

  10. From 23 to about 46 you are on a bit of a plateau.  After this, your health gets steadily worse, your recovery times lengthen after exercise, and you get a spare tyre.  None of these things can be avoided.  You hair and beard begin to grey, your eyesight lengthens, your nose and ears get bigger, your mouth goes down at the corners.  All these are signals that you are too old to have children.  In the meantme, women at the same age go nuts.  They turn into teenage boys.  They start to hate men.  They get into Labour cabinets. Scarey, but unavoidable.

  11. Because the average life expectancy is about 68 for men and 75 for women, or something close to that...It would seem that on average, the middle age would be as you have mentioned....Of course we all know that it doesn't apply to everyone, right !

    My thing with this life while I am alive, is try to appreciate it, and make the most out of every day !

    Live life in the most/best way that you can !

  12. I don't think anyone would say that was  middle aged, not since victorian times when people more often died by 50.

    I would say late 40's to mid sixties these days, but it depends on the individual:)

  13. 35-40 is "pushing middle age". 40 is middle aged

  14. I would say 35 minimum to 58-ish maximum.

  15. As people are living longer these days, I consider 45-50 as being middle aged.

  16. Yes, I would say so. I am 41, and after the age of 30 are where all my health problems started, as well as the snap, crackle, pop in my bones, neck and back each morning. Other than that, I do live life to it's fullest every day, no matter what aches and pains befall me. :)  

  17. Yes i think that is middle aged.  

  18. no way middle age is after 50

  19. We spend too much time being old and not enough time in our youth. If 35 and 40 are middle-aged then pensioners must begin at the age of 50 lol. You're as old as how you feel. I've known pipe and slippers people at aged 20 and young at heart 50 year olds. I'm 32 and look young and act young. Life's too short.

    You've got your twenties, thirties and forties to be young then 50-100 to be middle-aged to old. Thirty years isn't very long to be a young person, so why make us old before our time?! Thank you very much. Remember younger people, we all reach these ages and mentally most people who are older don't feel any different to when they were 19 or 20, it's just the bodies that age never the mind!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. yes...

  21. no id say middle aged was arond 45 to 55

  22. No Way,  

    !! Your Life Starts at 40 right ;)

  23. Well I'm 45 and I consider that middle aged, as i'm likely to die around 90, I've got half my life left. ( I hope)

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