
Would you say that Argentina is a 3rd world country?

by Guest56436  |  earlier

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I wouldnt...




  1. No it's not a third world country.. Argentina has a vast proud culture that is going through some very hard times.  The country is industrialised and was once up there with the bigger nations.. Time will heal.  

  2. On what basis could you describe it as a third world country? It has good communications, everyone is educated, nobody is begging in the street. The fact that it is going through lean times economically does not have the effect of relegating it to third world status.

  3. Hmmm. Tricky one. Argentinians don´t have a ´Third World mentality´ as traditionally it has been a successful and very ´European´ country but Argentinian politics is definitely third world in that whovever gets voted as president steals all the money and brings the whole country to an economic standstill forcing those who can to emigrate. So I would say yes.

  4. ¨It has good communications, everyone is educated, nobody is begging in the street.¨

    I directly disagree. Not everyone is educated, pretty much only the people in the nicer (touristy) parts of Buenos Aires and there are a lot of people begging on the street.

    I love this city but the people who visit rarely see whats not in Palermo, Recoleta, the Center and San Telmo. There is  HUGE country connected to BA that has very few similarities to its capital city.

  5. I'm sorry to say that, yes, Argentine is a third world country.

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