
Would you say that CE brings out the best or worse in people as compared to other categories?

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Like is S&D all lovey and Religion spirtual and P&S well, light relief?




  1. Both.

    Your'e having a laugh right?!

    Have you seen the hate in R&S? Have you seen the bitching in pregnancy and parenting or whatever its called?

  2. it makes me sad. I don't know why I stay?

    Actually it's the other regulars that I stay for. If it gets too bad I go to P&S  or Ebay!

  3. i agree with kerry, thank god for facebook. x

  4. Depends on the topic..........

  5. Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong

    My own beliefs are in my song

    The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then

    Makes no difference what group I'm in

    I am everyday people, yeah yeah

    There is a blue one who can't accept the green one

    For living with a fat one trying to be a skinny one

    And different strokes for different folks

    And so on and so on and s****. dooby doo-bee

    Oh sha sha - we got to live together

    I am no better and neither are you

    We are the same whatever we do

    You love me you hate me you know me and then

    You can't figure out the bag l'm in

    I am everyday people, yeah yeah

    There is a long hair that doesn't like the short hair

    For bein' such a rich one that will not help the poor one

    And different strokes for different folks

    And so on and so on and s****. dooby doo-bee

    Oh sha sha-we got to live together

    There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one

    That won't accept the red one that won't accept the white one

    And different strokes for different folks

    Oh sha sha-

    I am everyday people.

  6. Individually the people in this category are probably the brightest and funniest on Y!.

    The downside is the "pack mentality" which occasionally renders them incapable of seeing the wood for the trees.

  7. Some of the worse head directly for CE, though I suspect they are old users with new IDs and an axe to grind. Lots of users here remain consistent. I go to other categories, R&S can be a nightmare, sooner CE than there.

  8. Neither.

    Whole site is full of humanity in all it´s glory.

    It brings out the thumbs downers though.


  9. Neither it is just a Q & A site, it takes all sorts.

  10. It brings out both.

  11. both but it seems to me that most of the so called thumbers or reporters are in built to a circle chasing a full stop but of course they luv each other

  12. After a while you know what to expect in CE.You only get the occasional curve ball.In Religion and Politics and particularly the Israel section of Travel you need your stab vest and a big stick.

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