
Would you say that President Dubya had alot of experience and was ready to lead?

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I only ask because since he got into office, the country is in the $hitter. If you say he WAS ready to lead, then why is the country in worse shape than its been in almost 80 years. If you say he wasn't, then, how could possibly Obama be any worse? At least Obama has the ability to say what he's going to do without reading a script like, oh, Palin, Bush, McCain. . .




  1. Bush's background seemed appropriate but he was not ready to lead since he lacked the necessary intellect, ideas and the ability to formulate effective policy.  

  2. He's led this country like he led his baseball team, the Texas Rangers.

    One of 4 teams never to have played in a World Series.

    But he profited well from both.

  3. You don't know what you're talking about.

  4. Dubya had no experience.  He was governor of Texas, so what!!!  He wasn't running the state, his cabinet was.  All he did was hunt and do his cowboy activities.  John McCain has real experience.  I'm sorry to see that you've been drinking Obama's poisonous kool aid.  

  5. I do believe he is and was experienced enough.  He handled I do believe he is and was experienced enough.  He handled 9-11 extremely well in my opinion.  I believe the trouble came in when he did not stick to conservative republican values.  Such as making sure that people know the difference between legal and illegal immigration.  Then he needed to stop the ILLEGAL immigration, especially when we have our troops fighting overseas.  If he would have continued to be the President he was during and following 9-11, things would have been better. He is definately more experienced than Obama.

    Oh and by the way, research your statement more.  Obama can't answer a single question without a script.  When ever he is put in a situation that is unscripted, it takes an hour to get any sort of answer, which ends up being a non-answer.

    Also there was a lot of ad-libbing going on during the RNC, much of it addressing the crazy attacks on Palin..

  6. I would say that it's President Bush and no one is running against him this year.    What exactly did Obama say he would do?  Because he wrote that speech doesn't make it a good one, it was the same tired speech he started with, maybe cleaned up a bit.  

    Speech writers are used by most politicians, and I would bet that Obama either has or will use one in his political career, or maybe he can just keep recycling that speech.  Have you ever asked yourself why the man needs so much "window dressing"?   With all the staging, rock concerts, fireworks, why would he have to open his mouth at all?  He is allot of fluff and no substance!   Thanks

  7. "not worse than Bush" is an insufficiently high standard.

    Ron Paul 2008 or as close as I can vote and have it counted.

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