
Would you say the british governement's policies to tackle social exclusion have been effective? if so why?

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maybe give examples of how their policies have been effective in areas like education, employment etc.




  1. No the mental health bill is universally disliked and does nothing towards social inclusion. We are still in the dark ages regarding mental health issues even though the count in Europe is 1 in 3 suffering at any one time. (WHO stats)

  2. Well I can only talk about education in relation to social exclusion though the two are intrinsically linked.

    The local Enterprise trusts have opened many learning centres including family learning houses in deprived areas.

    Both learning centres and family learning houses were well equipped with computers and other learning resources which enable the unemployed and young mothers to get to grips with the basics of computing with many going on to either part of full time education updated their skills enabling many to become more employable by education and training

    It is fair to say that in this respect the government have had good results with these centres most of which were funded by EU object 2b funding.

    I hope this helps you some.

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