
Would you say the majority of human beings act out of selfish impulse? Is our primary concern the self?

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Would you say the majority of human beings act out of selfish impulse? Is our primary concern the self?




  1. Absolutely yes.  It is good you included "primary" because that's not all there is to us. Another very frequent "need" is to feel better about ourselves (which, in turn, leads to putting others down and judging them).

  2. Not really..

    It depends on the context of their environment, which highly influences how people think/behave.

    Think about the people in India, where in which the CDC postulated that the after effects of the Tsunamis would cause a *high* rise in death tolls, diseases such as cholera. The people from the CDC were freakin out. On the other hand, when the Sri Lankins and Indians got together to make a 'group' effort to help each the survivors/clean up the town, they proved that love/care outbeat the statistical data that the CDC gave.

    My point is- it really depends on environmental context. If societies value kindness, peace, equality for all, then naturally those who grow up in these conditions will also want lead selfless lives. It becomes a collective unconsciousness that actually instills collaborative 'consciousness.'

    For instance, I also know that in other places of the world, doctors are willing to help patients who cannot afford medical care for free (without trying to get tax-breaks/or public recognition). They genuinely do it from their sense of altruism. Unlike post- 9/11 where volunteers at the site who developed lung problems (due to asbestos) were adamantly rejected any medical care by the local government/doctors (who view health="profit").

    This is a prime example of environmental factors helps shape individual behaviors. Some people were raised to be selfless and so they act out in selfless impulses. Some of their primary concern is to create peace/social harmony for others, which in turn effects everyone else, not just themselves.

  3. I would say that many humans act out of selfish impulse. Mainly because we have no one but ourselves. Why live for another person?

    There can be a balance. I think the majority of the human population falls into this category. We do act of selfish impulse but only when we need to achieve something for ourselves. For example, if your single, your only concern is your well-being. You have to provide for yourself or else you won't survive in the real world.

    This role switches once we have a family to look out for. Now we have others to think of. We do think about them. I'm sure your parents thought of you by raising you. Right?

    As humans, we can act selfish. If we always thought of the other person..wouldn't be unhappy. What about our needs?

    However, imagine a world if everyone thought of one another. No one would be left out and everyone would be happy. That is the ideal world. Alas, we do not live in that type of world. Nor is it possible for everyone to conform to this type of "utopia". So, I think that if we find ourselves overly selfish, we should remember that we're not the only ones in this world and show a little selflessness. But we can't give up not being selfish or else, the rest of the world would eat you up. There's too much competition nowadays....

    hope I helped. ^^

    BTW I LOVE YOUR AVATAR!! sasuke rules!!

  4. YES!!!! Self Centeredness is the Biggest Problem The Human Race Has!!! No one thinks of " The Other Person" . They always choose what is Best for themselves!!!!

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