
Would you say there is any hope for my baby at all?

by  |  earlier

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13 weeks pregnant, went to A&E yesterday with bleeding that was red with a few clots, which then turned brown and they booked me in for an ultrasound today. They said that my cervix was closed but since then i have been bleeding more, not too heavy with loads of little red bloody clots and like strings of blood, would you say there is any hope for my little baby at all? I am not in hardly any pain i just feel like i have done 1000 situps.




  1. Some women bleed throughout pregnancy, if the doctor is concerned, be concerned, but don't stress too much, that can only make anything that's going on worse. I will pray your baby is safe!

  2. If the cervix is closed you and baby should be fine, Thank GD! I was spotting between weeks 6-12 and thank GD everything turned out fine; my doctor put me on bed rest. Turning brown is great; usually it means it's stopping...

    1. REST! it's the best medicine.

    2. If you're eating any soy products (like tofu), STOP!  Soy can alter a

    woman's hormones, and in pregnancy that can be a really dangerous thing and can cause spotting/bleeding.

    Some woman have full period-like beeding throughout pregnancy. (weird, I can't wrap my mind around how that's possible, but it happens). So relax, and don't give stress hormones to baby :)

    Good luck!

  3. i would say if your cervix is closed that is a wonderful thing sweetie. most babies are fighters and they do hang in there,i know there is hope for your little baby so hang in there and dont stress ok. i know its easy to say but try not to as much as you can. good luck and congrats. i hope everything works out.

  4. My goodness the people who saw you sound very terrible if they didn't even give you any information or support about your circumstances!

    Next time you see someone don't be afraid to ask questions. They should be doing all they can to make you feel at ease and to explain your situation to you.

    Never give up hope -x- All the best

  5. there is always hope. Never give up. wait for the ultrasound and the doctor okay I wish you the best of luck

  6. There is always hope, keep your chin up sweetie x

  7. My mother had extensive bleeding during her pregnancy and her healthy daughter, my sis, is now 28 with 3 kids of her own!  Do see a doctor though and stay on bed rest.

  8. I'm sorry for your loss hun you are a momma to an angel in heaven and my thoughts are with you at this difficult time god bless you and take care

  9. I would get into see a doctor as soon as possible, it sounds to me like you are having your period which isn't a very good sign for your baby.

    best of luck for you ^^

  10. There is always hope. i had the same thing but at 7 weeks. i now have a healthy baby boy. And the blood turning brown is a good sign

  11. Yes. Be hopeful until the doctors tell you not to be.  

  12. There is hope. I don't know what to say, although you are 13 weeks, which is good, and the blood is going brown which is a good sign. I really really hope and pray your baby is ok, let us know x*x  

  13. Never give up hope babes, i was admitted into hospital with the same 3 weeks ago, i had sever pains, but it turned out that i had a tear in the neck of the womb, very common, try not to worry-easier said than done i know, will be thinking of you and little one xx good luck xx

  14. Dont give up hope.

    I had this same thing early in my pregnancy - but at 6-8 weeks and everything was fine..

    Good luck

  15. of course there's hope. You should ask your doctor

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