
Would you say this is what is represented, manifested NOW in the U.S. of A?

by Guest63903  |  earlier

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The Preamble to the Constitution of The United States of America :

We the People of The United States of America, in Order to form a more Perfect Union, Establish, Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, Provide for the common defense, Promote the general welfare, and Secure the BLESSINGS of LIBERTY to OURSELVES, DO Ordain and Establish this Constitution

FOR The United States of America.




  1. I agree

    I think the answer is best found in the preamble of the constitution.

    We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, etc.  It is definately suppose to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  NOT OF THE CORPORATION, BY THE CORPORATION, FOR THE CORPORATION.  

  2. The Obama Q again. OK .I hope I am wrong when I say the results will be loose change thrown to a captive congregation, Good luck folks. GB

  3. Yea.......

    First I must elaborate that the U.S has not been a free nation for many decades now,it has under gone a tremendous change in those years.

    It has allowed the Constitutional commands to be turned off and executive powers to become the dominant branch of government.

    Those same people supporting such executive authority attack the Judicial system as trying to legislate from the Bench,but the dangers are apparent that the executive powers have over stepped their Constitutional boundaries a long time ago.

    The best that we can hope and struggle for is to vote for a third party in election 2008.

    To restore the Republic requires us as Americans to do are duty for once and stop allowing a rampant governmet of wast via the two party system that has done nothing but to create a system of tyrants,bent on providing the corporations a free ride at the expense of the ordinary person.They have delved to far into the private and social lives of the people.They have amassed laws that makes an intended free nation free only to the extent that it requires one to believe it is so when there is nothing left to lose.

    Baldwin/Castle for President 2008  

  4. As a Briton we have all the same problems you have over here..

    The top 4% rule albeit discreetly as they ever have.

    Big business rules , as it ever has..

    The wants of the peoples are different to the needs of the people, as it ever has been..We allow 654 politicians to decide our fate daily..Supposedly because they have an idea about what we need..

    Hope this makes sense to you..

  5. All that I can say is yes and of course and of course these rights, intentions have strayed far afield since we no longer live in an agricultural society but an industrial one in which the average citizen more than likely must work for a large corporate entity whose needs must be addressed in order to remain competitive but not to the exclusion of many of the rights of the average citizen as we are now enduring. Basically the middle class is getting screwed. The most bazaar phenomenon that I can see is the massive support the corporate interests gain by way of Republican votes in spite of the fact that their places of employment may be closing or moving over seas. We live in a strange country.

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