
Would you say we are living in dark times?

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The War on Terror Oct 7th 2001- Present

Iraq War


New World Order


North Korea.




  1. Yep well the end of the world is predicted on December 21st 2012 when the mesoamerican long count calendar resets - So perhaps that's why...

    On the other hand I don't think there's ever been a time when there's been peace. And end of the world cults also seem very common...

    Seems to me a world at peace and people being mildly optimistic are probably rather unnatural states...

    Cheer up!

  2. Absolutely, but you failed to mention the rising U.S. debt and the shrinking value of the dollar, plus a war that was started because of lies. The majority of the World's people don't think highly of George Bush.

  3. no....

  4. Yes and the times are very confusing

    Its not just those issues that make it dark.

    I think its the way people live. Like that its socially acceptable for a 14 year old to go drink (im not saying everyone does), homosexuals to marry (sorry im not for it), we have to give 10 year old girls a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease, and its impossible to watch tv without hearing a swear word or a bleep. Unless you enjoy watchng disney.

  5. Totally.

  6. No. The dark times haven't arrived just yet but I do believe we are on the cusp of those times. And trust me it will be very very dark.

    For about seven years.

    Now that's my opinion but based on what I've learned in the past twenty years my opinion is an educated guess and that has to count for something.

  7. For the past 8 years...definitely!

  8. It is a peculiar sign of this age when a list such as yours speaks volumes about how dark it is. This is only true for those who can interpret what your words mean. Many people in our world cannot. They enjoy a world where ignorance is bliss. But not for much longer.

    I often spend time helping out at a village project near  where I live where about five hundred fisherfolk have a reasonably good life. It is a tough life all the same.

    But now that they have a bus to send their kids to a school some kilometres away, things are looking up. Education is a vital link for them to the future world their kids might inhabit.

    And in a few years from now some of these kids might be able to get onto the internet and understand how dark it must have been for some of those living in a really  advanced society like yours today. I hope that by then we may have something better to show them. Because where they are right now is actually a beautiful place.

    Strange isn't it?

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