
Would you say you were "poorly paid" if you were on £30k a year and had 16weeks holiday..?

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Because teachers seem to think so.. greedy gits. I`d luv to be on £30k




  1. LOL & exactly.  16-weeks hol, have you included the training days?

    I remember doing my work experience at a primary school and on one of the days they were doing a training day.  I was invited to come along and being interested in what happens on training days, I sat through a whole day learning how to switch a comp on and how to use word.

    Well sorry but come on, it then took some of them the comp teacher to tell them how to turn the thing off.  I know some people are not technologically advanced but come on!!  I also remember it all being a bit of a laugh too.  I now struggle to find child care when they decide to have yet another day off for training (what about the excessive hols they get, is this not enough time to train).

    It would be great to really find out what the problem is so hopefully you will get some teachers complaining about your comment and actually explaining what they are winging about.  Seriously if it is a good enough reason I will hold my hands up and say Im wrong & sorry to all teachers out there but please someone explain.

    Everyone is at some point not happy with their job, h**l if I went on strike over my pay, I dont think I would ever be at there!

    Oh and the comment stating not all teachers get 16-weeks off they have to go into school & plan next term... Well maybe it should be changed to just 14-weeks off then.


  3. Not all are on that kinda money though. AND as a relative of a teacher I can tell you that they do not have 16 weeks off. Many times when the kids are off school they are in school planning the next terms years work.

  4. id do that job anyday, i earn 18k a year and i dont think i am poorly paid

  5. They don't get that much.  They also don't get 16 weeks a year holiday.  When do you think they prepare the course work?  Who takes them on school trips?  Whan do they mark exams and course work?  Think before you speak.

  6. Never speak unkindly about things you have no knowledge of........Do the job first then let us know if you want to switch with us...........

    Everything else is just complaining........

  7. I was thinking the same thing earlier. I dont know anyone that earns that much - I certainly dont. I would love to earn £30k - I'd be rich!


  9. If you are going to rant over teachers pay....

    GET you're facts right..

    My wife has never had 16 weeks off on holiday and she earns nowhere near 30k a year

    Just ask any teacher how many hours a week they work at home, marking books,planning lessons,differentiating hand out sheets, etc, etc,

    Then after all that making sure she hits the required targets the government has set.....

    OH yeah I'd love to be a teacher........

  10. a lot of teachers are on just 20k.

    what skill would you be offering to the world to claim your 30k?

  11. The ones I know make nearer £40k

  12. The teachers in our district (small school-less than 500 students-in eastern Oklahoma) are making at least $25K. Most are above $30K and the coaches are bringing in close to $40K. The superintendent is pulling down close to $100K and the two principals are at $60K.

    Teachers work 185 days a year and get one week off for Fall Break, two weeks off for Christmas Break and one week off for Spring Break. Then of course there is the 12 week summer break not to mention the other various holidays.

    Being paid for seven hours a day (not including free hour and lunch) for 185 days, teachers are doing OK.

    As a side note I remember way back when I went to school (50's-60's) I would see most of my teachers working in town during the summer breaks because the pay WAS so poor. Times have changed. It seems to me now that most teachers coming in are not doing it for the "passion" of teaching but for the money and the time off.

    Just my .02¢

  13. Wish my husband earned 30k a year. He works 14hours days and get 4 weeks holiday. He has been looking for a new job for the last four years. He hasn't had a pay rise in 3 years. We are just grateful he has a job, at 56 no none wants to employ him. They take the kids straight from Uni. Experience doesn't count for much these days.

  14. I always thought their course work and marking homework was done during the day, after all, an infants' teacher will only work a 5 hour day, from 9-3 with an hour for lunch.  Or do they earn less than a teacher of 10 year olds.

    Most teachers I know of teach the same age group every year so part of the preparation is just copied from the previous year.    I think it's easy money.

  15. your ignorance doesn't even deserve answer

    Why not run along and train to become a teacher so you can enjoy the 'perks'

    Just try not to think about the screaming disruptive brats, abusive parents, endless marking that will take up your evenings, constant training days which you don't get paid for...........

  16. Alot of teachers do not get that much.  They also have to work long into the evening - marking, preparing projects etc. They are often in school from around 7.30 - 8am until well into the evening.  During school holidays they have to attend various courses to keep themselves up to date as well as preparing courses for the following term.  

    In the classroom, they cope with up to 30 screaming brats, are frequently abused and assaulted and many suffer burn out way before retirement age.  

    For the hours they put in, they have a ridiculously low wage.  This 16 week holiday belief is total rubbish!  They are lucky if they have a quarter of that when they do not have to think about school and their teaching.

  17. so would many

    and as for the holidays ..... they just seem to get longer and longer

    fyi - teachers get 13 weeks holidays .....

    remember to even get started as a teacher you will have had to study at higher education level for four years ...running up a big debt in many cases .....

  18. I think Teachers should be given MORE money than that. Who can live on 30K and not live at home with their parents?

    They teach our young, our future Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, as well all the other skilled people who make this world run. Where would we be without mechanics and plumbers and many, many others? The ones who will care for us when we are old.

  19. Maybe teachers ought to work in the private sector for a few years and see how they like the pay rises and 4 weeks annual leave there !!  I'm afraid I have no sympathy whatsoever, if they don't like the pay and conditions they should change profession.  Kids have got exams in a few weeks and I think this makes their actions outrageous and very telling.

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