
Would you seek revenge against someone who had harmed your child? Would the type of crime have a bearing on u?

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Would you seek revenge against someone who had harmed your child? Would the type of crime have a bearing on u?




  1. I would seek justice but not revenge.

    Although it is sometimes hard to tell the difference.

  2. I'm not a parent, but I can't imagine what I'd do if anyone harmed my child.  I would hope the person would be prosecuted and treated very poorly in prison.

    Personally, I think anyone who harms a child deserves the electric chair.  Hopefully the chair wouldn't be at full voltage for a little while.

  3. I don't think you should consider it revenge, as much as it would be  justice. Of course it would have to be a serious crime, you know stealing their bikes wouldn't count. But Murder, kidnapping, raping/molesting, exploiting them sexually in anyway, violently attacking them or abusing them. I have no compassion for an adult that would harm a child. God forbid I am ever in this situation, but I would hope I could control my desire to kill this person as I would also still need to be around to parent my second child. Now if something happened to them both...........all bets are off. I'm going to prison for murder.


  4. I would even though I have no children I know I would seek revenge. Why take it into my hands instead of the justice or legal system? because I had a neighbor who's daughter had been beaten by her boyfriend, and when she told her father while I was there the police came and all they could do was say "She has to tell us why he had beaten her" and the other said "I'm sorry but she has to tell us we can't do anything unless she tells us" from that day forward I saw that the justice system has failed somehow in the past and the only way to do it is by your hands, the father eventually went to the boyfriend's house and beat him down. The point is no one should sit and do nothing for the safety of their child.

  5. We must learn to forgive in order to move on with our lives.

    As previously stated, seek justice not revenge.  Just because someone committed a crime and harmed you or your family doesn't make it OK for you to reciprocate the crime.  If you do that you're likely to face the same fate/penalty as the person who harmed you.

  6. Ive never been pushed that far.  If I was, I dont even want to think about what I would do.

    I get angry enough if bullying at school goes on

  7. I believe I would.  I don't have children so it's not something I'm ever likely to face, but harming a child is the worst thing a human being can do and at the risk of being hypocritical people like that deserve whatever vengeance they receive, even if it endangers their own life.  

  8. I would give the authorities the right of first refusal to adequately punish the perpetrator.  If they failed to dish out punishment this side of the eighth amendment, I'd have to add torture and mayhem of my own.

  9. absolutely i would seek revenge, i know my personality, and i also realize that it would take a toll on me emotionally, mentally when i did would just add to the bitterness and grief which already hold you down and back after a yes i would do it, even though i know it would be the worst thing for me....but i also would feel my child was avenged by me..the one who loves them the most..thank you

    kelly b

  10. define the word harm are we talkin beatin him up or hiring a hitman

  11. I'm a parent of 2.  The only thing that would prevent me from inflicting whatever pain and punishment that I could possibly think of on the monster that hurt had hurt my child would be the fact that I still had my other baby to take care of.  God forbid I did not, there would be nothing to hold me back from exacting my vengeance and I would.  Don't even mess with a mama bear's cubs.  

  12. I'd definately consider torturing him for a little while.

    Out of consideration, though - i'd inform the authorities.

    My kid might not be telling the truth.

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