
Would you sell your soul to the Devil for fame?

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Just asking,thanks by Mr D,Evil.




  1. If the Devil and soul existed, I might consider selling it, but it wouldn't be for anything as completely meaningless as fame.

  2. Never

  3. The devil doesn't exist. And as for the existance of a soul, that's debateable too.

  4. I'm sorry, I would not. Simply because I do not seek fame. I would not like to be under public scrutiny 24 hours of my day. I value my privacy. On top of which, I don't trust the devil. How do you know you wouldn't be short-changed?


  5. If u sell your soul....u sell urself....and if u r not urself...what is the use of fame....NO.

  6. well i don't believe souls exist so it would be a pretty good deal!

  7. Not in a million years. A little bit of Milton perhaps.

    "Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise

    (That last infirmity of noble mind)

    To scorn delights, and live laborious days."

    Nu ff said I think.

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