
Would you send your DNA sample into space?

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Would you send your DNA sample into space?




  1. No, my DNA is mine, who knows what will happen if it is sent into space, I have a rule about letting any body parts, fluid or dna out of my controll.

  2. Yes. And it has already been done!

    The chances of other civilizations finding it are very small but you have to optimistic!

  3. I think one of me is enough to spread around the neighborhood.If another civilization were to clone me, they may say"What were they thinking"?

  4. Hmmm.  I'm surprised at the ambivalence, so far.

    I think it would be cool to do that.  It would give me a sense of being able to live again; (irrational but satisfying, in an aesthetic sort of way.)  Of course, it would only be a clone of me for one generation, but it's still a nice thought to have as one gets older -- a kind of immortality for atheists.

    Note, I already have that to some degree, in a shared sense.  My children each carry a unique combination of my wife and me.  She lives through them, now.

    Okay, I get it now. Somebody, no doubt using multiple IDs, has been going down my list giving three thumbs down to all my answers lately. Get a life.

  5. No, I don't want to be cloned by aliens

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