
Would you send your child to private of public daycare?

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Would you send your child to private of public daycare?




  1. The question in my mind isn't public or private, it's for-profit or not-for- profit. After almost 30 years in the field I have rarely seen a for-profit center that would be acceptable for my grand-kids.There is too much emphasis on the bottom line and decisions are often made based on that, not what is best for kids. The best centers I have seen have all been not-for-profit. The exception is Family Day  Care. I've seen many good ones.

  2. In my line of work I get to visit childcare centers every day.  If your child is younger (under 2) put him in a private daycare. Find a center that you trust. Try to pop in during different times of the day just to see how things normally run. Private center are able to provided the nurtring enviroment that little children need. When your child gets older PLEASE send him to a public daycare they can prepare him for public school. Make sure the center has 5-stars never settle for less than that.

  3. Neither.  There are just too many horror stories about daycares and baby sitters these days.  My husband and I have rearranged our schedules as best we can to accomodate our children and my mother picks up the slack when necessary.

  4. public so they could interact with other kids

  5. private as in family daycare.  Interview well and let them interact with your child.  I worked in a daycare once that was privately owned and hated it -but that was only because of the administration - she was so lazy and just let things go to let things work out themselves -drove me crazy!!!  I ended up quitting and opening up my own preschool -no daycare -just preschool.

  6. Strong agreement with EC expert. Am an EC expert myself.

  7. At first I went to a public daycare and liked it for a few years. But then I began to hate it because there were older kids their and they scared me (like 5th grade). Next I went to a private daycare and LOVED it. The person running it was so nice and there were only about 8 children. We had things like circus week and pirate week.

  8. I would send my child to a public daycare so they can learn and experience situations with other children. Yes there are many scary stories out there about bad people and daycares, but if it bothers you could always get to know the people at the daycare to get some trust goin'.

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