
Would you send your kids to a public school where creationism and intelligent design were given...? ?

by  |  earlier

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...equal treatment as evolution?




  1. Not if I had any other choice.  

  2. certainly not at science class.

  3. I don't have a problem with that.  I think it's wise to give differing viewpoints.

    But I do oppose teaching Intelligent Design/Creationism as a science.  Evolution can be tested and demonstrated through concrete facts.  Creationism cannot.  Therefore, if they are going to teach it, Intelligent Design/Creationsim should be taught in philosophy or religion class, not as scientific fact.

  4. Of course not...I expect my child to be taught biology not theology, and if they do...teach alllll forms of design and creation not just your religion.

  5. to be a "Theory" there has to be observable evidence as in the Theory of Evolution.  There IS no Theory of Creationism because there is no observable evidence to support it.  It's RELIGION!!!!

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