
Would you share a man/woman (whatever your prefference) in a romantic relationship?

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I wonder if the polygamy route is such a bad idea. Could you be open enough to try it with people whom you trusted fully?




  1. Nope, I'm the jealous type.  Anyway, my man would tell you there's nothing left to share, if you get what I mean :-P

  2. Not at all...

    whats the point of committing to them if theres no commitment at all?

  3. No. I would never share my husband with another woman. I am very selfish with his love. I even get a bit miffed if we run into one of his old friends and he talks to her too long. (I dont tell him though, I dont wanna be a syco!)

  4. No, I read about King David and his many kids ... sounds way to messy.

  5. Not if I really love the person-- I'm incredibly greedy.

  6. h**l no. If other people want to try polygamy, that's their deal, but I'd never do it.

  7. So you're saying that you wouldn't mind being "husband #3"?


  8. I don't do it but I've got nothing against swingers. As long as it doesn't affect me or hurt anybody I'm fine with it.

  9. I was in an open relationship for about six months. That count as sharing? We both would indulge with other people.

    It ended a few months ago because we got a bit bored of each other, and I'm with someone new...who I would hate to share.

    I think it depends on the people involved and the chemistry between them. If you are all happy with it, and all enjoy it, there is nothing wrong with it and no one else has the right to judge.

  10. I don't think it's for everyone, or even for most, but I'm not opposed to letting consenting *adults* make choices, and to respecting their choices. As long as there's no manipulation, deceit, or coercion involved, I'm fine with it.

    Personally, I am in an open relationship, but we've never acted on it. We just know that it's an option and we have rules for communication, protection, and the kinds of relationships we are allowed to engage in. We agree to be honest beforehand about our intentions with all parties involved and to give everyone a fair chance to make an educated decision.

    It works for us but we've been friends for over 17 years and together for over three. Our relationship is really solid and respectful and loving. I did have feelings for someone else but he (the other guy) wasn't cool with sharing me so we never went there and we're all still friends. I am able to still love, and be loved by, this other person; we just aren't sexually intimate. We still share a deep loving connection which isn't sexual and everyone is happy with that.

    I'm open to the idea of my fiance having more than one wife/gf, but only if she & I are genuinely friends, if we all work together as a family. If it's divisive, then it won't work. The same goes for me and other men.

    I do recognize that sexually transmitted diseases are an issue when there are multiple partners involved, just as communicable diseases are a risk when eating at a restaurant or walking into a day care. We can minimize our risk by responsible use of protection, testing and communication/honesty. We don't buy into the circular logic that s*x is bad because of VD and VD is bad because s*x is bad. VD is just VD, a very real risk we all take whenever we engage in s*x. More people die from car accidents or chronic poor diet than VD, but we don't obsess and feel shame over eating c**p or driving fast. Anyway, I digress.

    Additionally, our relationship isn't about s*x and neither would be our other relationships be primarily about s*x. If there's no loving, intellectual, spiritual connection it just wouldn't be worth it. The relationship we share is so good and so fulfilling that it would take something equally extraordinary for one of us to be willing to explore that.

    Like I said though, polyamory (many loves), polygamy (many wives), polyandry (many husbands), and swinging (multiple s*x partners) aren't for everyone and they aren't for anyone all the time. People are different and constantly changing. What is important is that we are honest about who we are, otherwise we are lying to ourselves, to our loved ones and too the world.

  11. Absolutely not. Two's company. Three's a crowd.  I figure if a person loves someone it should be a commitment between the two of them only. If they  have to have more than one person, then maybe the love isn't as strong as they think.

  12. I try to be open to all sorts of ways of living, but I really would not go for polyamorous relationships.

  13. I'm assuming that you mean traditional polygamy here, ie, one husband and multiple (heterosexual) wives.

    I can't imagine how that would be in any way beneficial to me, although of course I can see why it would be appealing to some men, especially since they are the ones getting to have s*x with two people.

    But seriously. What could possibly be in it for me?

  14. Hellllllllll NO!!!!

    Not my thing.  But if other people don't mind, I couldn't care less.  They can do what they please.

    Personally, I would NOT share.  

    To each his/her own, though.

  15. Why is it that people think trying something destructive means you're 'open'?

    Polygamy is stupid. It's stupid unless the relationship is one of convenience only. There is nothing at all loving about cheating on someone, it never does the parties any good.

    A polygamous person sends a message to their partners and that is that they are not worth exclusive attention.

    Polygamy is emotionally abusive.

  16. Why would any bloke want to be in a polygamous relationship if he was in love with a woman?

    The answer is that his p***s yearns more for the woman than his heart!!!

    When a man loves a woman my dear s*x is not the top priority nor multiplicity because it just that one soul not even a body that makes him happy!!!

  17. I don't care who you sleep with, but please don't try to get society to justify it by changing marriage laws for you. You have no idea what you are asking.

    Monogamy is a vital part of our free country.

  18. Polygamy was legal in the US until religious bigotry reared its ugly head.

  19. i think this would lower the other partners's self-esteem. or atleast it would mine because i would think im not good enough for him.

  20. Nope.

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